Chapter 15

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"He's d-dead" I said. I didn't know if I should've been sad or happy. Something inside me told me to be glad he died. But something else, told me to cry. "I-I did t-that" Louis stuttered with his voice cracking. He looked like he was in serious pain, but emotionally. I hugged him tightly. "God...he's actually dead!! Woohoo!" Casey said. She seemed ecstatic the he was dead. Victoria stood there with a shocked look on her face. "Y'all, we need to go, before anyone finds out" Casey said. Suddenly, we heard a beep. It came from Dr calicos wrist. He had a digital watch on, and it showed his heart rate. Which was zero. "If you are hearing this, it means I have been killed by one of those Lab rats" the watch spoke. It was a tape that Dr. Calico has recorded. We all listened closely. "I have triggered the whole lab to explode about 15 minutes after I'm dead. This will eliminate all of my records, and work. If you are one of the Lab rats that escaped, I hate you.  But, you will no longer be hunted by my crew/ military. Your records are deleting themselves as we speak. And, there is about 5 billion dollars in a briefcase in my office. The code for the safe it's in is 2006. Better hurry, before time runs out...." We were so shocked at what he said. I couldn't even get myself together to make a comment. "No time!! Let's get to that office!!" Alex said. "Me and Louis will go, just get out of here!" I said. everyone else rushed out the door and went to the exit. I was afraid of the bomb. Even though we were immortal, he could've put pafi inside the bomb. The smoke could maybe kill us. Louis took my hand and super speeded us down to Calicos office. It took us about 1 sec to get there because of his powers. We got to the door, it was locked. I unlocked it and blew it open using my powers. In the back of the room there was a briefcase sitting in a glass box. Again, a smashed the glass box with my powers. "Ok, the code is 2006" Louis said to check if he was right. I nodded. He put in the code in and the brief case opened. Like Calico said, there was a lot of money in there. Me and Louis stood there in awe at how much money there was. This could get us a big house, for all 8 of us. We Gould get cars, wouldn't have to work, and we could buy so much food. "We've got to go!" I said suddenly snapping out of it. He super speeded us out of the office and to the exit door. There were no guards, no police, no anything. The rest of the group were right there waiting for us. "Guys! I've got the brief case!" I said proudly. "Grab each others hands and form a train, I'm getting us out of here!" Louis said. Everyone did as told and I grabbed Louis' hand at the front. Louis ran fast through bushes and pass trees, getting us away from the place. Once we were at a decent distance away from it, he stopped to catch his breath. Before we starting running again, we heard a "BOOM". I looked over in the direction of the lab and sure enough, I saw a huge cloud of flame and smoke. We were far away enough to not be threatened by the smoke, but I could see it crystal clear. "God, the place is actually gone now." Victoria said shocked. Alex grabbed her hand. "Yeah, it sure is" he said also in slight disbelief. Aiden, Christina and Liam were standing there in awe. Casey, however, had a smile on her face. "Good riddance!!" She said. Although, I could hear it in her voice that she wasn't completely happy about it. I was in awe myself. My home. The only place I've ever lived in. The place were I made so many good memories, (although the bad ones overshadow the good ones).  It's gone. I had mixed feelings about the events that had happened in the past hour. And there was one thing I couldn't stop thinking about. The kiss. It was like a fine tune that wouldn't leave my head. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget that moment. I couldn't forget that I said I loved him. I couldn't forget how nice it felt to kiss him. I. Couldn't. Forget.  I walked over to Louis who was leaning back on a rock. He looked shocked like everyone else. "It's gone..." he mumbled. I sat down closely next to him. "I know, I should be happy, but that's not exactly what I'm feeling. I'm not sad about it either" I said. He looked at me and nodded. As to say he felt the same way. "We've got to go soon, the police will be on the scene in a few. I don't feel like being questioned." He said. He was right. "Thanks, for getting us out of there" I said to him. He looked at me and gave me a warm smile. "What, you'd think I'd leave everyone and go by myself?" He said in a semi-playful tone. I smiled at him. He then put his arm around me. "I'd never leave you. Ever." He said. I felt warm inside. Like how you feel after you drink soup when you have a cold. "I'd never leave you either" I said. Then, I felt the courage to say what was on my mind. "So the, Umm, the kiss.. I-" Louis cut me off. He suddenly looked guilty. "I know it wasn't the right time, I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot." He said. I smiled at him and leaned into his shoulder. "You're not an idiot. The kiss...I loved it" I told him. My body shivered with nervousness and excitement. I can't believe I told him that. "I loved it too. Also, I've been wanting to say this for a while but, here goes nothing" he said. I was happy that he said he liked the kiss like I did, but I was Eager to hear what he had to say. "Summer, your kind, strong, beautiful, smart, and loving.  That sounds cliche but it's true. Whenever someone brung up the topic of us dating, I always got nervous. But I imagined what it would be like. I shook my thoughts off though. But now...I have something to ask you" he told me. My heart raced and I started sweating. I knew what he was going to ask. "Summer, will you be my Girlfriend?"

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