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Dazais pov

The warmth of the school hit my face and calmed my breath. It felt like a blanket for a few seconds until it stung my ears as they adjusted to the new conditions. I probably had about 15 minutes before my friends got to school and found me. Plenty of time. I looked around then rushed off to the second floor bathroom.

Climbing up the side stairs a small figure slammed into my shoulder. Before I was even able to process what just happened the figure was gone and all I was left with was the words "watch where you're fucking going next time prick" that they spat out. I let myself smile at the encounter before rushing to the bathroom.

No visible damage on my face from the punch. Unless someone walked up to me and lifted up my top lip. Then they might be able to see the cut on my gums, which will most likely make it difficult to eat. The numbness made the pain non existent. A sigh of relief left my lips as I shoved open the bathroom door and made my way to homeroom.

Chuuyas pov

The front desk people seemed like complete morons and it took forever for them to get my schedule ready. I've got a short temper and after the first 5 minutes of waiting I was really irritated. When the old numbskull finally got my shit ready I took it without a thanks and left. Maybe I would have been nice if she was too. Homeroom wasn't gonna start for another 5 minutes so I could either go wait in there for the bell to ring or walk around the school. I took the former.

Finding my class was easy and luckily the door was unlocked and there were a few people in there. I narrowed my eyes and entered the making sure to avoid eye contact with everyone in the till I found a seat in the back. Finally comfortable I lifted my head and observed the people closest to.

I first noticed a tall blonde boy with glasses and a straight posture. He was the only one standing and was scolding a smaller frightened looking boy with white choppy hair. The boy had beautiful eyes which I could picture being a small planet. They were dark purple and yellow. I've never seen anyone with eyes as warm as his and they made me feel relaxed in a way.

Next to those two were another set of boys and a quiet girl with long purple hair and grey eyes. The boys who were sharing a reading book both had dark hair. One had a lazier look with his hair long covering his eyes while the others hair looked more put together. Through his bangs I could see piercing green eyes which were less frightening by the dumb look on his face. Hearing the door open I was snapped out of my thoughts.

I could see everyone whip their head towards the sound of laughing and arguing. At the door two boys stood the shorter arguing while the other had his head back and was laughing. The sound making the tension I wasn't aware I was holding in my body dull. The shorter had long framing bangs with white tips at the end. He wore his blazer on like everyone else. The taller boy however wore just his dress shirt and had bandages around his small neck and skinny arms. I was so enveloped in his overwhelming presence to wonder why his body was wrapped like a mummy. He had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that felt inviting but also repelling all at once. He made me feel strange and a feeling of stress washed over me.

Seeing him walking towards me just made my heart beat faster. I wasn't ready to talk to anyone much less this intimidating guy. He stood next to my desk and I heard him clear his throat politely. I snapped my head up to him and saw everyone looking at us. Clenching my teeth I was able to calm jitters and waited for him to speak.

"You're in my seat" was all he said his tone made him sound like it was one big joke.

"So what? Are you going to cry? It's not like you own this whole ass classroom. I can sit wherever I want just find a new place to sit." I hissed back. I could see his face change from a lazy expression to confusion than to one of amusement. I thought he was gonna laugh until his face turned cold.

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