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hey folks! uhh follow me on twitter @katiiiowo i would lob to b friends w/ yall. i follow back lolol

Chuuyas pov

"Are you sure you're fine with seeing everyone today?" I looked down at Dazai while he was lacing his shoes.

He laughed jumping up. "Yea. I'm over it." He had a careless face on as he hoised Q up onto his shoulders.

My nose scrunched, not believing him in the slightest.

I ushered him and Q out the door puffing my cheeks out at the cold breeze.


We were greeted by the Akutagawa siblings when we got to school.

"Damn is Dazai living with you? You're always together." Gin laughed out.

Akutagawa looked over at me waiting for a response.

"I mean I thought it was obvious." I said rubbing at my neck awkwardly.

Gin looked surprised like she didn't actually expect that answer.

"My house is getting renovated after all. And Chuuyas little brother loves me lots." Dazai said smiling. It was scary how easily he lied to people.

Akutagawa looked at me with a confused look and was about to say something before we ran into Atsushi. Luckily it made him drop the subject as he began scolding the smaller boy for god knows what.

The days usually go by rather quickly and before I knew it, it was lunch time. Everyone usually sat together in the Cafe but Dazai had told me to meet him at our lockers before hand.

"Dude. What?" I said as I walked up to a Dazai who was bouncing on his heels.

"Hey Chuuya!" he yelled waving me over hurriedly.

"What happened?"

"Ookayyy so I was wondering if we could sit together just me and you today?"

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.


I knew it was coming. He put on his best puppy dog face as he got closer to my face.

"There's this girl who won't stop bothering me. C'mon please. We'll get to see them all after school anyways."

"No. Just deal with the girl yourself. Don't be a wimp about it." I scoffed.

Dazais face fell as he crossed his arms. "Fine I didn't want things to come to this."

"Wait what?" I said as he grabbed my backpack and ran off with it.

My eyes widened as I tried to process what he was doing.

It took me a few seconds before I snapped out of it and began chasing after him.

I almost lost sight of him before I saw him duck into a small closet.

I began pounding on the door.

"Dazai give me my bag back! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I tried my best to keep my voice down but I wasn't exactly successful.

I leaned my head against the door preparing myself to start ponding on the door again.

The door suddenly swung open making me fall straight forwards before I hit the rack of mops.

My vision went black for a moment while I steadied myself. All I could hear was Dazai laughing.

I looked up seeing him hugging my bag to his chest doubled over in laughter

"Im gonna fucking kill you."

"Oh no! Please don't do it Chuuya!"

I narrowed my eyes snatching my bag from him and placing it on the floor.

"Where the fuck are the lights. It's so dark in here." I said fumbling around for a light switch.

I turned around to leave the closet before I saw dazais arm resting above my head on the door.

He was taller than me so it felt like I was trapped. He leaned his body closer to me.

"Y'know soccer season is coming up." he said.

"I looked up to him trying my best to see his face in the dark.

"Okay? And?"

I could see him look surprised before realization took over.

"OhH! You don't know because I never told you!"

I hummed waiting for him to finish.

"I play soccer." he said with a smug look on his face.


"Whaa Chuuya I wanted more of a reaction!" he whined. "You can come to all my games and cheer for me! Than after we all go get food."


"Oh. Tanizaki, Tachihara and Akutagawa are all on the team too."

"Oh so everyone goes?"


I suppose it did sound fun to get to hang out with everyone. I couldn't help but look forward to it.

He suddenly leaned in closer to my face and I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"I'm sure you're excited to see me in a uniform huh Chuuya?" he whispered.

I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks heat up.

"Huh? No! As if. Let me go!" I clumsily searched for words to try to get away from the topic.

He laughed and backed up gesturing to the door.

"After you shortie." 

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