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5 years ago...

Rebecca sat the test down on the counter and sat down next to Colby on the bed. He grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it, preparing for what could possibly be the biggest change or the biggest relief of their lives.

Rebecca had been sick for about a week and couldn't even get out of bed some days. It had gotten to the point where they gave her time off to take care of herself and get better, but in reality, it was getting worse. Colby has tried to reason with her and say it was just a bad stomach bug but she insisted she take a pregnancy test to be 100% sure.

When the timer when off and Rebecca stood up to go look, Colby stopped her.
"I just want you to know, whatever that test says, we can handle it" he said
"Should I feel guilty because I want it to be negative?" She asked quietly
"No. Not at all. You have a whole career ahead of you, if that test is positive, it kinda puts everything on hold" he answered

With that Rebecca walked over to the dresser where the test was sitting and slowly picked it up. When she saw what was before her, tears welled in her eyes.


It wasn't until Colby walked over and wrapped his arms around her that she truly broke down. She wasn't ready to be a mom, she didn't want to give up her career in the hottest time. It was almost like her whole world came crashing down around her.
"Shh.. it's okay" Colby tried to console her also trying to keep it together.
"No it's not" Rebecca cried burying her head farther into his chest.

She didn't know how to react. He didn't know how to either. They weren't ready to be parents, they weren't ready to throw their lives into chaos just yet. In this moment, this was one of the worst possible things that Rebecca thought could happen to them. This was going to be an adventure of a lifetime, and they weren't ready for it.

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now