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Seeing the positive test made Rebecca feel many different emotions. She was confused, happy and sad at the same time, then most of all, concerned. Depending on how far along she was, depended on how much the baby had to go through, all her matches, especially Hell in a Cell.

If it wasn't for the fact that Colby was normally calm in situations like these, she wouldn't have told him. She stuffed the test into her pocket then went to find him. He was talking with Joe and Adalynn was standing right beside them, occupied by Colby's phone.
"Girlfriend alert" Joe whispered and Colby looked over to see Rebecca standing there, arms folded across her chest, looking uncomfortable.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked wrapping his arm around her waist.
"I need to talk to you, alone and like right now" she said and he nodded.
"Ada, stay with uncle Joe for a minute" Colby said and Adalynn nodded.

Rebecca drug Colby into an empty hallway, making sure nobody was around to hear them.
"Okay, What?" He asked confused as to why she needed to talk to him.
She sighed before fishing the test out of her pocket and handing it to him. He looked at the test, then back at her, then back to the test again. He was just as dumbfounded as she was when she saw it for the first time too.
"How?" Was the only thing he managed to say and she scoffed.
"Oh I don't know Colby. Maybe I just snapped my fingers and boom, I'm pregnant. You have to remember it takes two to tango" Rebecca said annoyed.
"How?" He asked again and Rebecca threw her arms up in the air.
"We had fucking sex! How else do you think it happened?" She exclaimed and he shook his head.
"I used protection, that's got to be a false positive" he protested.

Rebecca was more hurt right now than anything. He'd always been the one to talk about having more kids, now when they had the chance, he acted like it was a roadblock and it would stop the entire world from spinning.
"It looks pretty real to me" Rebecca said and Colby ran his hands over his face and it all started to set in.
"Holy shit" he said. "Wait... you've been working, is it even alright? How do you know all of your matches haven't done something to it?"
Rebecca raised her hand to silence him.
"I would know if something was wrong" she said "you forget I've done this before"
"If you didn't know you were pregnant, how would you know if something was wrong or not?" Colby asked, clearly growing worried.
"Listen, I'm supposed to be freaking out, not you. I'll see if Ash can watch Ada tonight and we can go get everything checked out" Rebecca said grabbing his hands.

Ashley agreed to watch Adalynn for the night while Rebecca and Colby went to the emergency room to get everything checked out and make sure the baby was alright. Once the ultrasound machine booted up and the little black and white picture popped up on the screen.
"and you just found out your pregnant a few hours ago?" The nurse asked and Rebecca nodded. "That's surprising considering your a little over thirteen weeks"
"Thirteen?" Colby asked thinking he'd heard her wrong. "That's like three months!"
"Is that a problem?" The nurse asked and looked between Rebecca and Colby.
"She's just been working the entire time... wrestling actually" he said and the nurse nodded.
"Well, let's look just to make sure everything's okay" she said.

The ultrasound showed nothing wrong. Actually, the nurse said it was a miracle the baby had made it through all of the chaos and hits Rebecca had taken to her midsection. As they made their way to the car, Colby looked over and saw wipe tears off her face.
"Why are you crying?" He asked stopping in front of her. "Everything was okay, the baby's okay"
"I shouldn't have been working. I never would be able forgiven myself if I would have lost it" she said and more tears began to roll down her face.
"You didn't know Rebecca, it wouldn't have been your fault" he comforted and pulled her into his chest. "You ready for this?" He asked and he felt her nod against him.

In fact, yes she was ready for this. It only took that one positive test for her to realize that this is what they needed right now. She had felt like there was a piece missing in their little puzzle and now, that missing piece was finally found.

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now