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Colby slowly began to wake and looked down to see Rebecca sleeping peacefully against his chest. He tried to carefully remove her from him so he could get up but evidently he wasn't careful enough because she grabbed at his arm just as he was about to get up.
"No" she groaned "come back"
He laughed before climbing back in bed and she instantly curled into him.
"10 more minutes" he said before he realized she had already fallen back asleep.

That 10 minutes turned into 20, then 30, and soon enough they had been in that exact spot for an hour. He looked at the time and it was almost 10 in the morning. When he had finally got Rebecca to wake up and get out of bed, Adalynn was already awake, happily watching her iPad on the couch.
"Good morning sleepy heads" she said when her parents walked into the room.
"Why didn't you come get us whenever you woke up?" Colby asked.
"Mommy looked tired. So I let her sleep" she said and Rebecca walked over and placed a kiss on her head.
"I love you babygirl" she said.
"I love you too mommy" Adalynn replied.

They went on with their day normally, Colby had a class to teach, Rebecca had some things around the house with some help from Adalynn. They caught up on laundry, dishes, and some cleaning in just under two hours.

Colby walked in to see Rebecca sitting on the couch with her head in her hands and Adalynn sitting next to her looking frantic.
"Woah, what's going on?" He said walking over and bending down in front of Rebecca.
"Mommy doesn't feel good" she said "she puked a bunch"
"Hey, why don't you go upstairs and play while I check mommy out" Colby suggested and Adalynn nodded then ran up to her room.

Colby gently removed Rebecca's hands from her face and immediately knew something wasn't right.
"What is it?" He asked trying his level best to stay calm.
"The room won't stop spinning" she said and suddenly he felt her hands grip tightly around his arms and her taking deep breaths like she was having contractions.
"How many times has that happened?" He questioned growing more concerned every second.
"I don't know, maybe three or four times" she answered and she saw him reach for his phone and dialed his moms number.
"The second she pulls in that driveway, I'm getting you to a hospital" he said.

Now panic was starting to set in. Colby was no doctor and had no clue about any of this but, considering they had a daughter and he knew what Rebecca went through last time, this to him looked like early labor, very early labor. Rebecca was only sixteen weeks, if she was going into early labor, the baby wouldn't make it.

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now