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After filing a restraining order, Colby taking almost 3 weeks off, and not hearing another word from Jeff, things seemed to be getting back to normal.

Rebecca had an appointment a few days prior, where they could have found out the genders but opted to have them put in an envelope where Ashley was in charge of getting things together for a gender reveal.

Adalynn bugged her parents daily about finding out if she was getting a baby brother and sister or if she was getting two baby sisters or vise-verse.

"Why can't I know now?" She questioned as she helped set the food out for the party.
"Only a few more hours love" Rebecca replied.

And only a few more hours it was.. family and friends arrived, and of course, Ashley brought 2 huge balloons filled with smaller colored ones.

"Damn Ash, why so big?" Colby said helping her get them out to the back yard.
"Go big or go home" she said "and your daughter was with me when I was picking out the balloon size, so thank her"

Instead of Colby and Rebecca popping the balloons, they wanted Adalynn to be apart of it. So they let her pop them..

She stood underneath them and tried to pop both of them at the same time, when she couldn't, she opted to pop one at a time.

First, blue balloons floated around them.
"A brother!" She squealed "I get a brother!"
"Pop the other one!" Colby called and she excitedly turned around and popped the other one where pink balloons filled the area.
"And a sister!" She yelled again

Colby turned just in time to capture Rebecca's lips on his. There was some other meaning behind that kiss than any other kiss they had shared before. More than passion, more than just the quick pecks in between matches or quick goodbyes. It was pure love.

"We're having another little girl Becks" he whispered.
"And a little boy" she added and he felt her lips on his once more.

Adalynn ran over to her parents and jumped into their arms.

Their family was was complete. After going through everything with Emmy, Jeff and now finding out they were adding a little boy and a little girl, it was all making sense now. Every trial and tribulation they went through, led them to this very moment, contentment...

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now