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Present time

Colby walked into catering shortly before Raw, he couldn't get very far as he felt his little girl jumping into his arms.
"Ah, hows my babygirl?" He asked scooping her up.
"Better now" she said innocently.

Adalynn or "Ada" Marie Lopez was only 5 years old, but in those 5 years she had taught Rebecca and Colby many lessons and things they never thought they could learn. They found a love they never thought was possible, the love of being a parent and having that responsibility of taking care of another life other than your own. They loved her more than anything and would do anything in their power to protect her and give her the life they believe is best for her.

Adalynn was very much a daddy's girl and would spend every waking second with Colby if she could. Although some days all she wanted to do was hang with Rebecca and was practically attached to her hip. She loved watching her parents wrestle and would even try to join in when they were training or working out.

As Colby walked over to Rebecca with Adalynn in his arms, he couldn't help but notice the huge smile that was plastered on her face.
"What's that all about?" He asked and Rebecca shook her head.
"Daddy's girl" she laughed.
"Ada, do you hear that? Mommy thinks your a daddy's girl" Colby said and Adalynn's little head snuggled into his neck. That caused laughs from both Colby and Rebecca.
"I see who her favorite is" Rebecca scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest.
"I love you, too mommy" Ada said and reached out for Rebecca to take her and she gladly did.

Adalynn was very familiar with the wrestling world as she had grown up in it. She had went to her first Raw at only a little over a month old and had traveled with her parents ever since. Most of her wardrobe consisted of WWE merchandise and as most girls her age were playing with barbies and baby dolls, she opted to play with wrestling figures. Ada was also loved by many people backstage. She had a very bubbly personality and would talk your ear off if you'd let her.

The nights Rebecca and Colby had a show did take a toll on their little girl. They usually didn't get to leave until midnight or later, which meant one of them would be carrying a sleeping Ada around for at least an hour if not longer. Tonight was one of the rare nights they had early segments and got to leave the arena early. Stephanie and Hunter has been great about scheduling their segments earlier in the show so they wouldn't have to keep Adalynn out as late.

She had fallen asleep pretty early on that night and Colby had the the job of carrying her around, which he didn't mind. When they were finally able to leave, Rebecca offered to take her but Colby objected.
"It's fine, you get the bags, I got her" he said slinging her little backpack over his shoulder.
"Are you sure?" She questioned again.
"Babe, I'm sure. Just get the bags, I got her" he assured her.
"Even five years later, I still never get tired of seeing you as a dad" Rebecca smiled.
"Even five years later, I never get tired of seeing you as a mom" Colby said walking over and gently placing his lips on hers.
"Bleh" Adalynn's sleepy voice was heard by both her parents causing them to break apart.
"Alright there little miss, go back to sleep" Colby laughed.

5 years later and neither of them could believe they were actually parents. Most people say it clicks when you see your baby on the ultrasound machine or when you feel them move for the first time, but for Rebecca and Colby, they would never be able to fully grasp the fact that they had created a life. They had created an actual life that they were responsible for. When they found out Rebecca was pregnant, they thought it was the worse thing, now, it was the greatest gift they could have ever gotten.

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