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Rebecca took a deep breath and had to sit down to compose herself. This was happening once again, and she was scared out of her mind. She couldn't even tell Colby, which was the hardest part.

She was even so paranoid that she went to the doctors just to make sure everything looked fine. They told her she was measuring a little over 8 weeks and looked perfectly healthy, even the babies looked healthy.

4 days later...

It was Adalynn's birthday. Some friends of Colby and Rebecca were over along with Colby's family, even Rebecca's had flown in from Ireland to be there.

When it was time for Adalynn to open her gifts, Rebecca had one special gift to save for last.

She got way more toys and clothes that she needed, but considering she was the only grandchild either side of the family had, she was definitely spoiled to say the least.

When Adalynn thought she had opened all her gifts, Rebecca pulled out a small envelope and handed it to her.
"This is a special gift, just from me" she said as Adalynn began to open it.

When she pulled out the little black and white image, you could hear gasps and "oh my goodness" from around the room.


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"Wait.." Colby said trying to grasp the news "you're.."
"Pregnant" Rebecca nodded "8 weeks, the babies are perfectly healthy" she added and everybody's jaw dropped.
"Babies?" Her mom questioned and Rebecca nodded once more.
"See" she said taking the picture from Adalynn and showing everyone. "This is twin B, right over around this area" she said pointing towards the left of her stomach. "And twin A is over here" she said pointing to the opposite side.

Colby couldn't say anything, he just simply walked over and cupped her face then leaned down to connect the lips.
"Twins.." He said and she gave a quick peck to his lips.
"Twins.." she repeated and their lips connected once more.

Adalynn hasn't said one word ever since she saw the picture. That was until she spoke up and said four simple words...

"Best birthday present ever!"

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now