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10 minutes before Rebecca went on, Colby and Adalynn came to give her some good luck.
"Please be careful" Ada said as Rebecca held her in her arms "don't get hurt"
"What did I tell you?" She asked "I told you not to worry, I'll be fine, I promise"
Adalynn nodded and was returned to the ground and Rebecca's attention turned to Colby.
"But I'm allowed to worry, and I swear if you do anything stupid I'll-." He was cut off by her lips being placed on his.
"I'll be fine, I promise" she assured him.
"I don't feel like coming out there and peeling you off the ground and carrying you back here tonight so please, just please be careful" he said again.
"I will love, now go. I only have 5 minutes" Rebecca said shooing them away. He placed one last kiss to her lips and Rebecca quickly kissed Adalynn on the head before heading to the curtain to get ready.

Colby and Adalynn sat in silence while Rebecca's match went on. Every time Rebecca would take a hit, Ada flinched and Colby had to remind her that she was alright. When the match was finally over, both Colby and Adalynn let out a long sigh. They'd never seen Rebecca put so much heart and soul into one match, although she was hurting, she knew her daughter was watching so she played it tough.

When she came backstage, she smiled when she saw Colby and Ada waiting for her.
"I told you I'd be alright" Rebecca said outstretching her arms to her daughter.
"I'm not dumb mommy, your hurt" she said and Rebecca shook her head.
"I'm fine baby, really. Now why don't you go find Aunt Ashley and wish her luck before her match" she suggested and Adalynn happily ran off to find Ashley.

Colby walked over and wrapped his arm around her waist and started to walk slowly back to her locker room.
"Your not fine" he said shaking his head.
"Not one bit..." she winced, grabbing her midsection.
"How about we make a trip to the trainers room?" Colby suggested and she nodded.
"That would be great"

Colby helped Rebecca to the trainers room where they checked her out. It was nothing but a few cracked ribs and severe contusions on her back, but other than that, she was alright. She taped up her ribs and shoulders, then left to go find Adalynn, who was probably annoying the hell out of Ashley.

When she finally found her, she was sitting on an equipment crate, chatting away with Ashley.
"and then mommy went, bam! On the side of the thingy" Ada said, obviously giving her take on Rebecca's match.
"Cell, Ada, Cell" Ashley laughed "but I think mommy wants to see you" she said pointing to Rebecca who was walking towards them.
"All better?" Adalynn asked innocently.
"All better" she said and Ada smiled.

The night went on normally, until about an hour before Colby went on. Adalynn was walking with him in the hallway when she saw Bray, walking down the hall ahead of them.
"Daddy..." she said, stopping in her tracks and grabbing his arm.
"Sweetheart it's okay" he assured her.
"No, he's scary" she said before Colby picked her up and started to carry her.
"It's okay. I'm right here, nothings going to happen to you" Colby said and she nodded before her head fell and began resting on his shoulder.

When it was almost time for him to go on, Rebecca came to take over watching Adalynn, but not before he reminded her of one thing. It was something he did before every match, even when she was younger and didn't understand a word he was saying, he did it for himself. He did it to remind him that every championship, every win, every dollar he made, didn't even come close to the pride he felt being a father to his little girl.
"Just remember, even if I don't win tonight, I've already won in life. You and mommy are the only 2 championships I need in life. You two are my world. I love you so, so much, forever"
"And ever" Adalynn added and hugged her father tightly.

Rebecca looked at the sight in front of her. The love of her life and the littlest love of her life. Nothing else compared to how warm her heart grew watching the two of them interact.
"Be careful" she said quickly pressing her lips on his.
"Always am" he smiled and Rebecca laughed.
"I beg to disagree" and she placed her lips on his again "I love you"
"I love you even more, and don't you dare fight me on it" he said and she smiled.

Rebecca hated every second of this match. Colby had refused to tell her anything about it. She hated not being able to tell Adalynn when to look away so she didn't have to see her dad take a hit. Progressively, the match got darker and darker. When Colby about lost his mind, Ada didn't know what to think.
"Why's daddy being scary?" She asked.
"He's not being scary baby, he's just acting" Rebecca explained and Adalynn walked over and sat on her mothers lap.
"Is daddy going to loose?" She asked and Rebecca shook her head.
"Honestly, I don't know. You'll find out the same time I do" she said.

They continued to watch the match, they watched Colby get disqualified, the medical staff come out, and then finally, Bray attacking Colby.
"Damnit Colby" Rebecca sighed and stood up to walk to gorilla.
"What's wrong?" Adalynn asked concerned. "Is daddy okay?"
"He's fine, just come with me and don't look at the screens" Rebecca said but that only made Ada's curiosity grow.
"Daddy's bleeding!" She said and tears began to fill her eyes. "Mommy go help him!" She cried.

Rebecca didn't know what to do in this situation. She couldn't do anything for Colby, and she didn't know what to do to help her little girl.
"Hey, he's alright babygirl" she tried to calm her down. "Come here"
Adalynn walked over and ended up in her mothers arms, the place she felt safest, besides Colby's.

When he finally came backstage, Ada was the first to greet him.
"Daddy!" She half yelled half cried and ran into his arms.
"What did i miss?" He asked Rebecca confused as to why their daughter looked like she had seen a ghost.
"That May have scared her, like a lot" Rebecca said and he nodded.

That night was a long one to say the least. They didn't end up getting to sleep until 1 in the morning. Adalynn was asleep before they even left the Arena. When they got back the the hotel, Rebecca was in charge of getting Ada while Colby got the bags. When she tried to lay her in her own bed in the room, she objected and wanted to sleep with Rebecca and Colby.
"I guess she's sleeping with us" she sighed and he nodded.
"I guess she is"

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