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Three whole hours later, and it was go time.

They got Rebecca all prepped for the surgery, and Colby, well he was sitting in nerves.

"Calm down over there" Rebecca said from the operating table as Colby was getting suited up.
"I'm sorry, last time this was a lot easier" he said as he bent down next to her.
"Last time, I wasn't having twins" she added and Colby let a small smile across his face.

It took another 15 minutes before Rebecca was sedated enough for them to actually start the surgery. When they did, it wasn't long before Colby felt a tight squeeze on his hand and Rebecca looked uncomfortable.

"Just a little pressure" the doctor said "and there we are, baby boy is out!" He said and handed the small baby over to one of the nurses. "Now here's sister!" The doctor announced and there was another small baby being handed over to the nurses.

"Go.." Rebecca said "you promised"
"I know, I'm going" Colby said and stood up to follow the nurses.

Both babies were taken to the NICU as they were born prematurely and couldn't quite get as much oxygen to their lungs as they needed.

The nurses wouldn't let Colby into the room and he hadn't heard any cries from either of the babies.

"What's going on?" He asked
"They aren't breathing properly, we need to get them breathing before you can see them" one of the nurses said and pushed him out the door.

He ran back to the operating room where a doctor was standing outside of the door.

"Mr. Lopez, there's a problem" he said and Colby almost stopped breathing.
"Problem?" He asked.
"There's some bleeding, if you want any chance of saving Rebecca then she needs a hysterectomy"

If he had heard the doctor correctly then Rebecca was bleeding and needed a hysterectomy. That meant no more kids, not that they were planning on having any more but still, it wasn't his decision to make.

"Mr. Lopez.. I need an answer now or she could die"

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now