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As it got closer to Rebecca's due date, they both made it appoint to spend time with Adalynn individually. She understood that not only would there be one baby to take care of, there would be two and that she would have to share mommy and daddy a lot.

Today, Colby was taking her out for a little daddy-daughter date. They were sitting at his coffee shop when he received a call he didn't want at that exact moment.

"Mom?" He questioned as he picked up the phone.
"Colby, I think you need to come home" Holly said, fear filling her voice.
"I'm on my way.. what's going on?" He said motioning for Adalynn to come on.
"Rebecca thought her water broke so she called me, but there's blood, a lot of blood" she said.
"Listen, you get her to the hospital and I'll meet you there" Colby ordered.

Holly agreed and headed to the hospital with Rebecca. As soon as they arrived, she was taken back to a room for observation and tests.

Colby arrived shortly after with Adalynn.
"What room?" He asked
"27. Ada stay with me while daddy goes and checks on mommy" Holly said and Colby was off.

He ran down the hall to room 27 to see Rebecca laying in the bed, smiling. He let out a sigh when he saw she was in no pain and that she was smiling so that meant nothing serious was wrong.

"You scared the shit out of me" he said kneeling down next to her.
"Sorry" she said quietly "but they doctor said it's normal with twins, it's noting bad"
"So your water broke?" He questioned and Rebecca nodded.
"Yes, but they aren't in position to go natural. The doctor said she could try and move then but if she can't I'll need to have a c-section" she answered "i already told her I wanted a c-section, if they want out, then I'll do anything to get them out sooner. But you have to promise me something.."
"Anything" Colby said and gently grabbed her hand.
"I want you to go with them. I'll be okay, just go with them and make sure they're not alone" she said and he shook his head.
"There will be nurses and doctors with them, I need to stay with you" He said
"No. Just promise me you'll be with them" she said
"Rebecca.." He said and she cut him off.
"Colby just fucking promise you'll go with them!" She said.
"I promise" he answered quietly.

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now