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Rebecca and Colby were sitting on the couch when they heard little feet stomping down the stairs. As Adalynn rounded the corner, still stomping, Colby had hopped up and was now right in front of her.
"Your stomping because?" He asked and she put her hands on her hips.
"Because I want to, now move" she ordered and walked around him. At this point, Rebecca had got up and was walking towards Colby who was just as confused as her.

Adalynn almost never got an attitude with anybody. She never talked back, she always listened and was well behaved. Colby and Rebecca has no idea where this new persona of hers came from, but they wanted it gone real quick.
"What's with the attitude?" Rebecca asked as Adalynn climbed up on the counter and sat there. "And get off the counter, you know your not allowed up there"
"Your not the boss of me" she shrugged and Colby's jaw dropped. He could tell Rebecca was getting hot and was about to lose all control.
"Adalynn Marie!" She scolded.
"Rebecca Quin!" Adalynn yelled back "I do what I want because you don't care about me anymore"
"Ada, Where's all this coming from?" Colby calmly asked as she hopped of the counter and started running upstairs to her room.

As both of her parents chased after her, she got to the top of the stairs and yelled...
"Your not my mommy anymore because you don't love me. You never did, we don't even have the same name, I have his" she said pointing to Colby "if you loved me, you wouldn't be having another baby!" And with that, she ran into her room and slammed her door.

Colby turned to see Rebecca standing at the bottom of the staircase with tears in her eyes. He could tell that what their daughter had said had truly gotten to her.
"How'd she..." he started off saying but Rebecca cut him off.
"She thinks we don't love her" she said in a shaky voice "how could she think that?"
"Hey..." Colby said walking over to her but she backed away.
"I've failed haven't I? I put so much time into my career that my own daughter thinks I don't love her. That's what this is come to Colby, I'm pregnant again and our five year old has went off the deep end" Rebecca said, fully crying now "maybe I should just throw in the towel, hang my boots up and become a fucking stay at home mom because obviously I'm not doing a good enough job as a mother"
And she walked off and Colby saw her walk out the front door.

Colby was left alone in his thoughts. His daughter believed they didn't love her, Rebecca believed she had failed as a mother, and for him, he believed that life was about to get a whole lot more emotional, hectic, and uncertain.

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now