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Rebecca, Colby and Adalynn were at his wrestling school after he had finished his last class for the day. Ada was messing around in the ring when she wanted their attention...
"Mommy, Daddy, watch me!" She exclaimed and her parents watched her do some basic rolls around the ring.
"Want me to teach you how to make them look really good?" Colby asked as he began to climb into the ring.
"Absolutely not" Rebecca objected. "Your not teaching her anything"
"Come on, it's just a few rolls. Do you really think I'd let her get hurt?" He questioned.
"Considering how reckless you are in the ring, I don't think so" she said.
"What are you implying?" Colby asked.
"What I'm implying is that your not teaching our 5 year old daughter how to wrestle!" Rebecca exclaimed. "Emphasis on 5"
"Rebecca, it's just rolls!" Colby tried to reason with her. Adalynn just sat quietly in the ring listening to get parents argue over this.

This had happened a few other times. Ada wanted to learn a skill and Colby was willing to teach her, but Rebecca wanted their daughter no where near a ring.
"I don't care if it's just rolls! A million things could go wrong, I'm not letting her get hurt" she said.
"Do you actually think I would let our daughter get hurt? I would understand if somebody else was teaching her, but me? I'm her goddamn father for crying out loud!" Colby was practically yelling now.
"Then do whatever the hell you want with YOUR daughter, because apparently her mother doesn't have a say in what she can and can't do" Rebecca yelled back and stormed out of the building.

Her words left Colby stunned and left little Ada scared and hurt in the background. She had seen her mother get upset and mad before, but never like this. Even at 5 years old she understood everything that she was saying. Colby turned around to see her sitting in a little ball and tears slowly rolling down her face.
"Hey, it's okay" he comforted as he scooted over and pulled her onto his lap.
"Is mommy okay?" She barley choked out.
"Yeah mommy's Okay. She just needs some time to cool down" Colby answered

When Colby and Adalynn decided to leave and head home, they expected to see Rebecca outside or in the car, but she was nowhere to be found. When they arrived at home, he saw their bedroom light on and the door slight open. He told Ada to go sit in her room for a minute while he went to check on Rebecca. When he walked in the room, he noticed her red eyes and the tissues she had in her hands.
"Now I know how my mom felt when wanted to wrestle. You don't really think about these things until your child wants to do it" she said quietly.

Colby went and sat down next to her and hesitantly put his arm around her waist.
"I'm sorry. I should've asked before I just offered to teach her" he apologized.
"No, I should trust you. She's your daughter, I know you wouldn't let anything happen to her" she said
"Never in a million years. You and her are my world, I gotta protect my girls, at all costs" he said getting a little laugh out of Rebecca.
"I'm still your girl, huh?" She asked and he smiled.
"Yes you are. You'll be my girl forever" he said.
"Forever" Rebecca repeated and leaned over so their lips connected.

When they felt a little body squeeze between them, they broke apart. They looked down to see Adalynn sitting on their laps.
"I'm sorry baby" Rebecca said "I shouldn't have gotten so upset and yelled"
"It's okay" Ada said quietly and moved so she was sitting fully in her mother's lap. Rebecca wrapped her arms around her daughter and leaned down to kiss the top of her head.
"I love you, so so much" she said
"I love you too mommy"

'I love you too mommy' was something Rebecca would never get tired of hearing. Adalynn reminded her so much of herself when she was younger. Very strong minded and determined. Rebecca's parents wanted her to achieve her dreams and she wanted to do the same for her daughter. Even if that meant letting Colby teach her a few basic skills this young. If Adalynn wanted to be a wrestler when she got older, Rebecca would be damned in anybody got in her way.

Changed-Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now