Love like a broken rope {namchae}

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Chae's pov

Because dahyun have to go home, today i have to go to the club by my self.

At the club, all of the members except dahyun are already there.

"Yo, guys. Whats up!" I say highfive-ing all the guys.

"Yo girl. Where's dahyun?" Says one of the guys.

"Oh, her mom called her this morning asking her to go back home." I explained.

"Aw, too bad." Says vernon, one of the member of the rap club.

"Wae? You like her?" I say smirking.

"No! I don't! " he shout while blushing.

"O, realy?" I say teasing him. All the others laugh.

"Alright, now focus. In 2 days there will be a rapping competition. I want 2 of us to join." Says rapmon.

"So who's gonna join?" Suga ask.

"The first one is me, so i need one more person to come with me." He says looking at me.

"How 'bout chae?" Says one of the member.

"Well that's a good idea. Since we already know how good she is." The other member said.

"Hmm. What do you think?" Rapmon ask me.

"Fine, i'll go if you all agree." I say.

"Ok. Then it's settled. Chae meet me after school here. We will discuss about the competition." He said.

"Kay. Then i'll be going back to my class. Bye guys." I say while leaving the class.

After school

Rapmon's pov

I was waiting for chaeyoung at the club room. Finally she's here.

"You finally show up!" I say sarcasticly.

"Mian, mian, i was talking to a teacher, so i came a bit late." Chae said with guilty tone.

"Fine. Let's just pick a rap for the competition." I say while scrolling my phone.

"Kay." She says taking out her phone.

"How about this? Can you rap that fast?" I say while giving my phone to chae.

"Ok. No problem." She says returning the phone to me.

"That's it right? Then i'll be going." She says while walking towards the door.

"Wait!" I shout.

Then chae turn around facing me.

"Anything else?" She said.

I don't know why i was stoping her from leaving. I just don't want her to leave yet. I want to PLAY her.

Then, i walk closer to chae.


I can see her with her shocked expresion.

"This is fun."

I can't stop my self from feeling unsatisfied. So i try to take this PLAY a little further.

"Chae, since i saw you rap. I always been thinking that you are so cool. You are my ideal type. So chae, i love you. Will you be my gf?" I say looking into her eyes.

"W-what? Are you serious?" Chae says while blushing.

I know that she will be an easy target. Even just one glance, i can tell that she's unexperience in a romance relationship.

"So? What do you say?" I ask.

"Um... i... yes..." she said in a low voice while blushing like crazy.

"Thanks love" i say kissing her in the forehead.

(Ewwww. Cringe 😂)

See..... easy as pie.

Chae's pov

Did he just confess?!

Oh god, what should i say?!

I'm freaking out right now!!

Am i blushing?

This is so embarasing.

"Um... i... yes..." i say in a low voice.

"Thanks love" he said then kiss my forehead.

I always liked him. Since the first time i meet him. He was so cool, so my ideal type. I wanted to confess, but i was scared that i might be mistaken for the feelings i have. But now i know i love him.

But.... why do i feel so insecure?

Is it just my feelings? Maybe i'm thinking to much.

"Chae, i need to go back to the dorm now. See you tomorow." He said while walking to the door.

"Bye." I say covering my face.

Rapmon's pov

After i say good bye to chae, i went to the dorm. On my way, my phone rang. It's irene, my gf, or should i say, my real gf.

Me:"hello babe~"

Irene:"babe~ i miss you~"

Me:"where are you now?"

Irene:"i'm at your dorm. Where are you?"

Me:"i'm on my way back from the club room."

Irene:"can i stay and accompany you tonight?"

Me:"of course babe~ how can i resist you~"

Irene:"oh babe you're such a sweet talker~ i'll be waiting for you~"


*hang up*

(Ugh...the true cringe moment :'))

~to be continue~

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