6. nicole

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"mommy it hurts! So much"

"eat this baby!mommy is sorry "

"mommy can you come in here my Tommy hurts"

Handling Two kids that are sick is a lot of work!

"hope I'm going to check on your sister eat the soup"


"faith Hun why didn't you eat the soup mommy fixed for you"

"I tried I'm CAN't eat anything"

"i'm going to go get your medicine i"ll be right back

"OK mommy"

i take a breather before i go inside my room to get my daughters medicine, its currently 10 at night, i had to pause my online coarse because my girls started throwing up. its times like this were i wish Nathan was here.

"hope! how are you feelings baby"

"i feel a little better mommy"

"that's good take this and if your not better i'll take you to the doctor"

"no mommy the doctor will give me a shot like they did Emma mommy"

"not if they don't have too"

"i still don't want to go"

"OK we'll put it off but if it gets worse you tell me right away im not playing hope!"

'i will"

"go to sleep i'm going to check on your sister"


"faith baby how are you feeling"

there was no answer back faith was knocked out with her leg hanging over the bed i tucked her under the cover and kissed her goodnight.

i turned her light off before going into hope room and doing the same. its weird

the way the twin thing work, they could feel when the other is hurt!or when something is just plan wrong

besides there 6 sense because of there dad who's a you know wolf...my daughters are weirdly inseparable

heading back to my computer i check my emails and the twins have a check up in two days it also informed me that the doctor was new but the best there is in Canada and if i wasn't comfortable i should contact them right away..

i replied right away telling them it was OK! finishing my class in thirty minutes i went to get my daughters a glass of water, every night at the same time they both wake up thirsty i learned this the hard way that if they don't get what they want...i wouldn't get what i want!


placing the water on there tables i make my way to my bed!

for some good old sleep






"so i was thinking we go to the mall and go shopping since you guys have school tomorrow"

"mommy we already have too much clothes"

"i want some sandles faith!"

"you have too many hope"

"not enough if i want another pair"

"why cant we just stay home and relax mommy"

"we can do that"

"but mommy i want frozen Sandles "

My Missing mate Book 2 (Completed) (Need Editing)Where stories live. Discover now