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As i shift and followed the wind my mind was clear...she was near I could smell her

Danny: don't walk near her in wolf form

Dropping my clothes i shift walking though they doors of the blood moon pack.

I was stopped by my sister and cousin

"MH, I cant believe you could be so reckless"

"Leave me alone"

"And you didn't tell anyone"

"You don't know the story"

"We basically do!"

"Were is she...were is my nicole"

There was a growl...no other then my cousin nathan

I was butthurt when I found out they were mates...and had two kids

She was my everything until she wasn't

Everyone to my office now!

My uncle Jack mind linked.

Her smell was getting stronger and stronger until I was standing in front of her.

She gasp when her eyes connected with mine...they held fear, anger, and sadness

The fact that she don't remember our times together...she don't remember I was her first kiss as she was mine.

"Hello nicole"

"You son of a bitch" she lunged at me just to be held back

"You ruined my life!"

"I did no such thing"

"I was called crazy because of you! You careless fucking low life! You tried to kill me too"

"No I didn't"

"Let me go nathan this bitch tried to kill me when I was just a little girl"

"Nicole what did we talk about! You are a luna you have to think you cant do shit like this...its not a good example"

"At this point I'm confused...nicole that day in the woods I didn't mean to come off as I was trying to kill you...you know me "

"I never meet you a day in my life before you were biting at my neck TRYING TO KILL ME"

"I was trying to help you...I had just shifted and you started running and fell...I was trying to help"

"Wait a minute....your stories are not adding up"

"Right...like what the hell is goin on"

"Nicole you don't remember the days we spent together....the nights I was on your roof....the day we kissed...you don't remember any of it"

Everyone stared at her

"I literally never met you I didn't even know your name before lily told me"

"Oh shit....shit about to go down" destiny whisper

"Nicole we were best friends...you have to remember"

"I'm sorry....I have no idea what your talking about"

"You have to remember...why cant she remember"

"I'm guessing because its all in your head...or you probably lying" nicole fire out

"Look at her hand...there's a curve between the middle fingers...I have one too"

She looked and her eyes widen

"There's no way this all happened...I would remember"

Walking towards her I take her hand in mine before looking her in her eyes....

My Missing mate Book 2 (Completed) (Need Editing)Where stories live. Discover now