23. nathan

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"Nathan I'm sorry but lately people have been getting talkative"

"I don't care what they think! "

"Nathan! If your pack members don't respect there alpha and Luna this is no pack! I didn't give you this so you can mess up"

"what do I need to do!"

"you need to get your mate in control it's 7 years past due! She needs to be marked, and since you guys already mated the ceremony is the only thing lefted"

"how am I suppose to do that"

"do what you did the first time... Make her fall for you again"


"so dad why are we here though" Cole ask

"because your mates have to do the ceremony too! So they can be put in the pack the right away! The giving Of Luna and beta needs to be done correctly"

"how do we do that! The girls aren't even talking"

"were having a dinner and this needs to be settles and getting planned"

"how long do we have before Things get worst"

"you mean before the enemy's find out about our fucked up pack and come to attack"

"When is this dinner"

"Tonight...the faster we get these problems out the way...the faster we can build our pack"

"Nicole's not gonna go for this"

"You never know! She all over the place"

"What about the kids they dont know anything about who they are"

"Tonight they are, nicole is just going to suck it up because time is not on our hands"

knocking on the door I wait patiently for nicole to open the door.

And a scent of her aroasing crossed my nose, something i was familiar with all to well.

I could hear her moaning my name over and over and that made me smirk

After years she felt how I felt...her breathing got heavy and I know she was close

Thats why i decides to bang on the door until she heard me...causing her not to release but to curse at herself.

Hearing her walk down the steps and towards the door....my smirk never lefted my face

"What do you want nathan?"

"I came to tell you that you are to come to dinner tonight at the pack house"

"I'm not going"

"Yes you are and That's finally"

"Like I just said I'm not going"

And just like that something snapped inside of me...she is the reason all this shit is off balance

She lefted me not the other way around...I am tired of trying to put up with her shit!

She is my mate and she needs to start acting like it one way or another

She is luna of the blood moon pack and if she doesn't get her shit together things will fall apart

I grabbed her by her throat and pushed her to the wall closing the door

"I dont care what you want to do...I'm telling you to bring your ass to the pack house with my kids dress and with a good attitude"

She had on a silk dress making it easy for me to grip her thighs

"This is all your fault that shit is how it is now! Deal with it because you are luna of the blood moon pack so start acting like one you are to set an example"

"Do I make myself clear nicole"


"Yes what?"

"Yes sir"

I kissed her neck and while she tried her hardest not to she moan

"I can smell how arose you are nicole! All you had to do was ask me to please you"

My fingers trail up her thigh and she didnt deny me she spread her legs apart for me

Getting ready to move her underwear i see she didnt have any on

"I heard you...fucking yourself off to me nicole! Moaning and getting to your perk..."

I slipped a finger inside and her back arched

"You will be the death of me Nicole"

I added a another finger

Her walls clamped my finger in no time she was near

"You are going to be on your best behavior tonight! And when I mean best I mean no bullshit tonight understand"


"Let it out baby girl"

Her warm cum was all over my fingers i still keep pumping knowing how sensitive she was

"S-stop i cant take it"

"You are mine nicole! Your never leaving me again....not now not ever! What I say goes and your little outburst are going to stop! You are a luna and lunas set an example...you will do that tonight"


Taking my fingers out I sucked on them

"See you tonight baby"


I kissed her forehead and left

Not before hearing her whisper to herself

God I fucking love that man

My Missing mate Book 2 (Completed) (Need Editing)Where stories live. Discover now