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"I can't believe you went out and had the nerve to dress like that"

"what was wrong with what I had on"

"to reveling!"

"what happened to you Cole! The first three years were great you liked to go out! Then things changed"

"nothing changed!"

"stop lying to me! TELL ME WHATS WRONG"

"if I tell you your gonna think it's stupid! And alot of other stuff"


"it makes me uncomfortable when we go out and you get stared at! By all the males and they come right in front of me and flirt!it drives me crazy!"

"so you don't go out because your jealous"

"not just that! Me and my brothers are the only ones in our pack with mates that aren't married!they talk down about us and we try to ignore it because our love for you guys are greater then that but it gets to us"

"why didn't you tell me!"

"it wouldn't have made a difference!"

"is that all?"

"I want to be a better mate I try! I swear but it's to much for me!"

"who cares what others think Cole!"

"I do.. I meant I don't it's just h-"

"for four years it's always been about them"

"des, of course not"

"that's what you make it to be!"

"I'm sorry"

"I don't want an apology...i want an effort to change"

"I'll do anything "

"I thought it was because of me!that You were embarrassed of me "

"of course not"

"that's how I felt... That's how you made me feel!"

"I'm sorry"

"I can't...i cant keep being unhappy"

"I'll make it better"

"I heard this way to many times and shit still hasn't changed. I'm tired of yelling,I'm tired of feeling like I'm not loved"

"You feel like I don't love you?"

"That's honestly how you make me feel"

"Destiny! I fucking love you with every bone in me! I never wanted you to feel this way, is this why you've been angry?"


"I promise I'm going to do better okay, no more caring what other think,I'm all about you"


"yes I promise, how about tonight we go out and I make it up to you"


"Yea, we could go out tonight I'm not playing I'm really trying"


"dress up comfortable"


"you look amazing des"

"thank you Cole", where are we going"

"its a surprise"

"I want to say sorry cole! For how I've been acting...your right we aren't kids  and I should have came to you"

My Missing mate Book 2 (Completed) (Need Editing)Where stories live. Discover now