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"do they usually wake up every night wanting water?"


"well  I guess I have to get use to this"

"I guess"

"I mean not knowing them for 7 years really out me behind"


"is there a problem Nicole"


"Ahh,  I see..so are you gonna just keep answering with one or two words"


"what's your problem"


"is this about the telling the girls there wolves?"

"there not old enough Nathan!"

"Nicole! Sooner or later there gonna find out some it's only right to get it out the way"

"this isn't just some problems you can get over with"

"you mean how  I was a problem and you just got over with me"

"you always find a way to make this about you! This is not about us Nathan! This is about those girls"

"listen to me, because of you and your actions Nicole you got something I worked years for taken away from me!"

"I didn't take shit from you! "

"you took my heart"

"funny because it's beating in your chest"

"but it's not there fully,  and you will never get what you did to me, how it effected me and Carter"

"and you will never get that being here was  one of the worst moments of my life, being here right now is tearing me apart but because of those girls...im giving them a father"

"surprisingly you didnt do that for seven years"

"and they were fine, they can always go back to that"

"your out of your mind if you think your ever leaving Canada with those girls"

"I did it once"

"well let's see if you can do it again! I'm asking my father if you can move here....instead of your house fearing you'll leave again"

"over my dead body i need somewhere me and my girls can get away from the monsters that live in this house"

"our girls are just like these monsters"

"they will never be one of them"

"what will it take for you to see there not human!them turning in front of you..give it some years"


"why won't you open your eyes and see you being here....you belong with m-me"

"they last time I belonged to you... My life was hell"

"but wasn't there any good moments"

"not any that can out Weigh the bad"

"our girls are part of this pack"

"Don't you think I know that"

"we got to do something Nicole, because believe it or not one of them is going to be alpha of this pack when I die or get to old"

"you don't even knowing there Wolf!they COUld be human"

"the odds of that are 5% becsuse I'm alpha, my genes are so much stronger"

"hope is not going to take this lightly"

"and believe it or not! You have to take your thrown also"

"my what?"

"with me being alpha you are my mate and with you being my mate you are the Luna of this pack"

"your just saying alot of stuff I don't understand"

"it means you are the queen of this pack! Meaning you rule by my side and everyone follow your orders?"



"I order you to leave me alone for the rest of the day"

"with me being alpha I over power your command"

"Fuck you"

"already did that"

"you basterd"

"sorry nicole my parents were Married when they had me so I'm not really a basterd"

"fucking annoying"

"no what's annoying,  is you're been walking around here for a week pretending your actions haven't hurted anyone!"

"so I'm a bad person for wanting go have a better life! Because who was it that said they were gonna protect Me and failed!"

"I tried"

"you didn't try hard enough! None of you did, you guys had your head so far up your ASSES you couldn't see I was in pain"

"repeat that?"

"and your not even listening"

"no repeat that last part"

"you guys had your head so far up your ASSES you couldn't see I was hurting?"

"you don't realized that your head is so far up your ass Nicole that you can't see that everyone else is hurting"

"I dont care,  because when I needed you guys,  when I was hurting! No one gave a fuck about me!"


"I was broken!inside and out! I wanted to have a normal life,  I wanted to be a better person"

"and all I wanted was a loving, caring mate"

"but you got  me.. A fucking screw up Right?"

"why? Why did you leave"

"I told you,  I was broken and messed up in the head and you didn't need that"

"HOW..how can you tell me what I needed! Years of wishing you WOUlD come back! I was depressed! I was suicidal! Me and Carter wanted to die"

"and what about me huh? not once did you think about how I felt!"

"how did you feel Nicole! After all you were living your best life right!"

"it was hell! But somehow I knew it would be worth it..i would be a better person but it wasn't about me anymore I had to girls to raise"

"do you ever take a moment to think how you ruin my life Nicole"

"do you ever think about how you and your family ruined my life"

"I can't even get an apology can I "

"no,  because I'm not sorry for leaving or anything I did! Just like you had to survive! I had too"

"now look at us... 23 with two kids"

"and neither one of us can get our shit together for the sake of them"

"this isn't how I pictured things Nathan"

"if it counts.. I'm done with these petty ass games! We are not kids anymore...im done chasing after you! You may be my mate but until you actually act like one were just Co parents Nicole"

"I don't chase...i get chased"

"well Not over here Nicole! Your old life is over"

I walked to the door getting ready to leave

"aye Nathan"


"they only thing I'm sorry about is you not seeing your kids for 7 years! But if I could go back I wouldn't change a thing"

"I would! Then maybe just maybe we could have been together"

My Missing mate Book 2 (Completed) (Need Editing)Where stories live. Discover now