Chapter 1

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"Ella! Get back here!" James, my older brother, yelled.

I squealed, and ran into Dads room. He never checks in here.

"Ella...? What are you doing?" Dads groggily voice asked.

Whoops, I forgot it was only 10 in the morning.

I jumped up from my hiding place, onto his bed, and hid under his covers.

I took the covers and pulled them over his head, so he was under here also.

He chuckled and shook his head at me. I laughed and grinned up at him.

"James is going to attack me." I whispered. He groaned, and put his head under his pillow.

Well, maybe I should introduce myself. My name is Ella Louise Malik, and my Dad is Zayn Malik from One Direction. I am 13 years old, and have a brother named James, and he is 16 years old. I have four Uncles named Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry. And that's about it.

"Not today Ella. Go get dressed, and head downstairs for breakfast." Dad said, getting up and heading towards his closet.

Well someone just had a mood swing. One minute chuckling, then being bossy.

"Fine." I huffed. I got out of his bed, and went to my room to get changed.

I walked downstairs, and saw all of my Uncles, Dad and James. You see, all of my Uncles live in the house with me, Dad and James, considering they're all still in a band.

"Morning." They all said in together. Creepy.

"Afternoon everybody." I said, plopping down on the couch next to Dad, and snuggling into him.

They all chuckled, and Dad put his arm around my shoulder. Now, I look exactly like my Dad.

I have hazel, coffee eyes, his style, and the only thing that is the slightest bit different, is my hair. It is a really dark brown, so it doesn't look much different. I think I got it
from my Mum.

I have a mixture of my parents personalities. I'm quiet and mysterious at one moment, then I'm bubbly and funny the next. Dad said that's how my Mum was.
Same goes with James, but his personality is always bubbly. And always teasing me!

"So what's going on today?" James asked everybody. They all looked towards him, and shrugged.

"We have the day off today." Uncle Liam said. I thought about some stuff, and finally just settled on movies.

"How about we just have a lazy day, and watch movies?" I suggested.

Everybody nodded, and we all settled on Blended, and put it in. That movie is so funny.

In the middle of the movie, my phone went off signaling I had a snapchat.

I looked down, and saw that James snapchatted me. I opened it, and almost broke into a fit of laughter.

He sent a picture of his face all scrunched up, and like 10 chins. I put my hand over my mouth to keep me from laughing.

I could tell Dad watched me opened that, because he was silently chuckling.

I ignored him, and took an ugly picture of myself and sent it to James. He didn't bother holding in his laughter.

"What are you two doing?" Uncle Harry asked. I took an ugly picture and sent it to all of my Uncles and my Dad.

They all opened it and bursted into fits of laughter. This is the best days. But then again...

This is only the beginning.


"Hey Uncle Louis?" I said, looking up at him from our spot on the piano bench. He looked down at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, bug?" He asked. He closed the piano, and put his full attention on me.

You see, about three times a week, Uncle Louis will take me to the music room, and teaches me piano. And the best part, is that it is only me and him. Nobody else.

"Do you ever think, that people will execpt the fact that Dad has kids?" I asked him. He then looked down at me confused.

"What do you mean? Where is this all coming from?" He asked. I sighed, and put my head on the piano.

"It's just... Ugh!" I sighed.

"Babe, you can tell me, or in fact, any of us anything. But I think that they are starting to except it. You and James are amazing people. And the sooner they realize that, the sooner they get to know what an amazing person you guys are. Don't let anybody tell you anything different. Okay?" He said.

"Okay." I said, smiling up at him.


James and I were in my room, just sitting and talking about random stuff.

"Do you think that Dad will let us get a husky?" James asked. I looked at him from my side of the bed and shrugged.

"Maybe if we both ask for one for Christmas, or for our birthdays, he might actually let us have one." I said, smiling over at him.

"Okay. Lets do so." He said.


Hi guys! Thank you for reading thisss!

I have another story out called 'Louis Tomlinsons Daughter', and that is where I got the idea for this.

I hope you enjoyed this! And I'm sorry that it's kinda all over the place.






~Grace :)

Zayn Malik's Daughter. (One Direction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora