Chapter 4

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When Monday rolled around, I was tired. I didn't want to go back to school.

I got up to my alarm, and went and took a nice, warm shower. And then I got changed and went downstairs.

Considering that it is October, it is a little chilly out. So, in my opinion, long sleeves are a must.

I sat down at the table between Uncle Niall, and Uncle Louis. Waiting for my dear Uncle Haz to place food on my plate.

"Did you know that Jared was coming back to town tonight?" James asked me.

I blushed at the mention of Jared. Jared went on a holiday last week, and was finally coming back.

To say I had a crush on him was an understatement. I had a HUGE crush him. He was on the football team with James, and that's why he's speaking of it.

"Really? I thought he was out on holiday the rest of the season?" Dad asked, looking over at James.

"He was, but something happened with his grandma and he had to come home early." James said. I looked down at my plate, which Uncle Harry just put food on, and moved it around.

"What's wrong?" Uncle Niall asked. I looked over at him and blushed, and his face turned into a knowing kind of face.

"Ella?" Dad asked. I looked up, with a curious look on my face. He looked kinda nervous.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I know you hate this, and take it the worst, but we have to go to Ireland to perform on the X-Factor." Dad said.

"Okay, what's so bad about that?" I asked. I don't see why he's nervous.

"You and James, aren't aloud to come." He said, and I automatically got upset. "We tried everything to get them to let you guys come."

"It's fine. I'll be fine." I said. I was upset, but I'll manage. James and I will be fine, it's not the first time.

"Okay. And we're leaving Thursday, for 3 days." He said, and I nodded.

"Sounds good."



"Bye Dad." I said, giving him one last hug before he leaves.

"Bye sweetie. Remember to listen to your brother. He is in charge." He said, firmly.

I rolled my eyes, but nodded my head. I don't know if James is the best person to put in charge.

"Ready to go home?" James asked, pulling out his car keys. I nodded and followed him to the car.

"So, what are we going to do for the next three days?" I asked, once he pulled out of the airport.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to a party tomorrow." He said, looking at me for a split second.

"Whose party?" I asked. He wasn't exactly the only one who was going to a party.

"Calebs." He said.

"You're not the only one going to a party." I said. He looked at me, when we got stopped by a stoplight.

"And who said you could go?" He asked, starting to drive once it was a green light.

"Nobody. But then again, who said you could go to a party?" I asked, smirking at him.

"Touché. But, you're not going to a party. You are 13, and don't need to be going out to some party." He said.

"Uhm... May I remind you, that you went to your first party when you were 13. I knew, but I never told Dad." I said.

"Ella... That was the past. Point is, you're not going to some party. Especially if I'm not going to be there." He said, pulling into the drive way.

"I'll go to whatever party that I want to." I said, walking into the house with him in tow.

"No you won't." He said, as he watched me closely.

"Watch me." I said, walking up the stairs.

"Ella, I am not joking. If you go to that party, I will call Dad and get him to come home early. And you know how mad he will be if he finds out that you went to a party." James said to me. I turned around on the eighth stair, and stared at him.

"That is a bitch move. What about you?! You won't get in trouble but I will! You always go to parties and I never snitch on you!" I yell at him. He comes up the stairs so he is on the same one as me, and looks me directly in the eyes.

"You. Are. Not. Going. To. That. Party. I will call Dad. So, unless you want to dissapoint Dad, I suggest you go to bed. Goodnight." He said, going back downstairs.

"I thought your name was James Malik, not Louis Tomlinson sassy ass!" I yelled. running upstairs, and slamming my door.


"Wake up, Ella." James said, shaking me. "You're going to be late for school."

"So be it then." I said, pushing his face away from me. He groaned, and pulled my blankets off of me.

"Ella, get up." He said. I sat up and looked at him. And he did the exact same thing back. I swear, this kid is going to be the death of me.

"Fine, but don't talk to me." I said, pushing him out of my room. He sighed, but walked the rest of the way with his hands up in surrender.

I went to my closet, and picked out my outfit for the day. After getting changed, and applying makeup and perfume, I made my way downstairs to where butt face was.

"Ella, you cannot be mad at me all day. I just want what's best for you. And going to that party, is not best for you. I'm just doing what I think Dad would do." He said, looking at me with his eyes.

"I bet Dad would let me go to that party." I said to him. I know that Dad would never let me go to a party, but I'm just trying to change his mind into thinking that Dad would say yes.

"Okay. Let's see what Dad has to say about you going." He said, holding up his phone, where it showed that Dad was calling.


Hi guys!!

I know that it is not tomorrow, but I decided to do a surprise update!!


I haven't had school all week due to snow, and I am SO happy.

Thank you!!






Zayn Malik's Daughter. (One Direction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora