Chapter 6

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Caleb was his brother.

MY brother was at this party.

In the same house as I.

Oh shit...

"Hey, um, I uh, I have to go. I'll see you later." I said. He nodded, and just kept sipping his drink.

"Whoops." Somebody said, as they bumped into me.

"It's alright, it was my fault." I said, dusting off my dress.

"What's yo- Ella?!" My head shot up, to meet the one and only, James.

"James..." I said, in a whisper. I thought I would last. This party has been so fun so far, and I was going to stay for five more minutes, then leave. But no.

"What the actual hell are you doing here?!" He hissed at me. I looked to the ground, but he didn't like that, so he put his finger under my chin, making me look at him.

"I-I," I stuttered out. He shook his head, and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards, what I'm assuming, Caleb.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but I have to go." James said. Caleb looked down at me, and then nodded at James, getting what he was saying.

"Okay, no problem mate, I'll see you tomorrow." He said, smiling at James.

While James was talking to Caleb, Lainey was across the room, talking to me through sign language, even though I could only use one hand.

I learned sign language when I was about 10. Uncle Liam learned it with me, and I taught Lainey. So it's all of our secret language, unless you know it.

'I got caught.' I signed to her. She nodded and signed back telling me she would see me tomorrow.

Meanwhile, James what dragging me to the car. He then practically threw me in the passenger seat. And then he got in and started to drive.

"Ella, what the hell were you thinking? Were you even thinking at all?! Going to a party that I specifically told you you couldn't go to?! And even having Dad tell you that you can't! I am so upset with you!" He yelled at me.

I don't think that he should be yelling and driving at the same time. It's not safe. Especially with that neck vein.

"Why does it matter anyways?! You're not my father, so why should you care about what I do?!" I yelled back at him.

"Because! I am your brother. My job is to protect you! Whether it be from boys or a spider, I will always be there to protect you. And when you go to a party Dad and I told you not to go to, I am going to flip out! It's my job! When Dad is not home, it's my job to flip out." He said, as he pulled up to the driveway.

I got out of his car, and slammed the door closed. I ran up to the house, took my key out, and got inside.

As I was about to run up the stairs, a hand grabbed my forearm. I turned around and saw James staring at me.

"What do you want?" I snarled at him while he smirked.

"I'm just warning you. I'm not calling Dad tonight. But, I will call him as soon as you get up tomorrow. Sleep tight." He said, sending me upstairs for bed.

What a dick.


I woke up the next morning to the sunlight in my face. It was starting off to be a good morning, until I remembered the previous nights events.

I got changed, and put on some mascara and made my way downstiars. James was sat in the living room playing GTA. Not even sparing me a look.

I walked into the kitchen, and made some toast, and started to munch on it.

I was scrolling through Twitter, when I saw out of the corner of my eye, somebody sitting in front of me.

"Oh yeah. And did you want to talk to Ella?" James said, to the person he was in the phone with. "Oh okay."

He placed the phone down on the table and put it on speaker phone. When the screen lit up, I saw that he was talking to Dad.

My eye widened, and I started to have a mini panic attack. Of course he would call Dad.

Why couldn't he just wait until he gets home tomorrow?! Why does he want to torture me?!

"Am I on speaker?" Dad asked. I glared at James, and he just sat there, grinning.

"Yeah. You're on." James said, glancing up at me. I swear, my funeral is coming soon.

"So, what did Ella need to tell me?" Dad asked. I feel like that question was directed to both of us.

Basically he was saying, 'I don't care who, but somebody just tell me'.

"Go ahead, Ella." James said, smirking at me. Oh that little mother trucker.

"No." I said. No way was I going to tell Dad that I did something behind his back. No way.

"I don't care who, but you have 10 seconds to tell me what's going on." Dad said through the phone.

"Well, Ella here, went to a party that you told her she couldn't go to." James said. Oh my gosh.

Please. Go get a hammer, bring it to me, and hit me in the head with it. I will give you my Dad and Uncles hair to clone them, just please kill me before my Dad does!

"Ella Louise Malik! How DARE you go behind my back, and go to a party that I specifically forbade you from going to!" Dad yelled at me through the phone.

"Dad, please. Just wait until you get home tomorrow to do this." I said to him. I have always hated when he yelled at me.

"Oh, this isn't even the beginning of it." He said. The he just hung up the phone. No 'I love you', or anything.

"Do you like getting me in trouble?" I asked James. He looked up and shook his head.

"No. I'm just doing what I think is right, and telling Dad what I think he needs to know." James replied. I sighed and just went upstairs.

Zayn Malik's Daughter. (One Direction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora