Him, Him, and Them

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He is the one who loves unconditionally but rarely. Why? Because it's him. He is not your normal college student. He is nowhere near your average student. He's always out an about at night but aways home before sunrise. Why does he go out? I may never know. But I've watched him leave two or three times due to curiosity and my need for disaster. I almost figured it out but he caught me. He even explained to me he knew I was following. Whoever he is, he knows about everything going on around. It scares and marvels me all at the time, which leads me on and drags my want for his secrets even more.


The goofy, cute, caring, altruistic, loving guy. He's so confident but so self-conscious it's like two different people in one body. I question how he manages to control both enough to be the person he is now. His wide and dark eyes hold so much power and control but at the same time show weakness and helplessness. The sparkle in his brown pools captivates me in a way that him has ever done. I want to know lies inside, what he keeps from everyone, and who he really is. Maybe all of it is an act and he's actually breaking inside? I want to know everything.


They pull my heartstrings. One makes me feel nervous and needy while the other makes me feel sympathetic and worrisome. It doesn't add up. I don't add up. I love two people at once but when I see them together, the anxious, needy, sympathetic, and worrisome me become one and make my whole world spin. I love it though. I want to feel like that all the time. Maybe that's what love is. But I still can't figure out why it had to be both.


My name seems to drip off their lips.


Snapping my gaze up, I realized I was called on but I had no idea what he was talking about or what the answer was.


Hearing the whisper from behind me, I quickly answered, "X³+y³+z³=8?

The answer came out so easily yet so rushed and panicked, he looked at me as if he was surprised I was "paying attetion".

After he turned away, I turned around to see him. The one and only. His distinctive red hair flipped perfectly over to the right and the red hair on the left pushed back. It looked so perfect yet so dangerous that I wanted to stare more.

"Are you just gonna stare or are you gonna thank me for saving you," his voice came out kind of raspy and deep voice but it sounded nice and playful.

"Oh, uh, yeah- thanks," I quickly spewed out before face-palming.

"You aren't typically this nervous, is there a specific reason or am I just that good looking?"

Another sarcastic remark.

This man is full of them.

"No, I just didn't expect you to be the one helping a student who wasn't paying attention."

"Offensive. Just because I go out at night doesn't mean I'm a complete typical bad boy."

This time I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. A nervous laugh escaped my lips just as someone tapped my shoulder.

"Y/N, I'm going to have to ask you to go sit by Yukhei, or, as he likes to be called, Lucas," the professor asked as he looked between me and this guy I have yet to know the name of. "You and Taeyong can't seem to be quiet."

Taeyong. Got it.

I nodded and didn't say anything more to the male in front of him as the professor pointed out Lucas. I walked over and, as I got closer, I realized it was him. I met him and him in one class period. Life was going great for me. Not to mention I can sit next to him rather than behind him.

Sitting down, I smiled, "Hi. I was told to sit here."

He looked over at me, those same wide, brown eyes still sparkling in the still light of the room, "Hi. I hope we can get along without getting in trouble. I saw you talking to Taeyong over there and I have an on how you act."

His tone was light and airy which made me smile and nod, "Yeah...I was just thanking him for giving me the answer."

"Well I'd be careful for now," he smiled that same smile that made my heart melt. I looked back at the front of the room, still smiling like an idiot.

I didn't pick up anything the professor was saying as I was too busy daydreaming. About what exactly? I'm not even sure. I just don't remember anything he was saying.

I'd look around the room every now and then to make it look like I was aware of things around me. I did this about six times before stopping to look at Taeyong who was already looking at me.

The corners of my mouth tugged upward into a smile as I placed my chin in my hand. We began having a silent conversation and I'd say it went pretty well for having to mouth things. He brought up Lucas and I could feel my face heat up. When the bell rang I looked away and looked at Lucas and smiled, "It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too. But I'd stay away from Taeyong. He hasn't had a good past when it comes to dating."

When Lucas warned me, I just stared at him. Did he care or did he just not want Taeyong in a relationship?

I nodded and began heading out of the room, thinking about why he wouldn't want me with Taeyong.

I almost ran into someone but was pulled backward by the shoulder. I went to see who it was but they covered my eyes so I couldn't see them, "Careful next time. We wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we?"

His voice was very low and quiet, almost like he was trying to hide his actual self. Did that mean I knew him or that I had a class with him? More importantly, why can't I see him?

"Actually, I'd love to get hurt," I responded.

He was quiet for a while, "Why?"

"Why not?"

He seemed puzzled but he didn't say anything more. Once he moved his hand, I went to see who it was but they were gone. I furrowed my eyebrows before continuing to walk down the hall to go to my dorm. That was my last class and I was very thankful. I didn't have homework from that class very often and, if I did, I'd get a notification on my phone.

As I made it out of the building, my thoughts drifted back to what Lucas had told me. As I walked down the sidewalk, a sudden realization hit me.

'Oh my god- I like someone who is gay'

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