Pointless Arguing

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"Don't just repeat my name. What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I stated bitterly as I stared past Taeyong and at the tall figure behind him.

Despite Taeyong having my hands held down at my side and against the harshness of the brick wall, my only thought went to Lucas. This was why he had to go.

"Listen, I didn't mean to just suddenly leave."

"But you did. You even lied to me."

"I never lied to you, Y/N. I wouldn't do that."

"How can I believe that when I built this whole idea of who you were only to have it destroyed."

"It's not my fault! I never told you who I was and how I acted. You're only hurt because you didn't have all the facts."

"Now I do and I don't think I like who you really are, Lucas. In fact, I feel like an idiot for allowing myself to believe you were something good. Turns out every guy at this college is just like you," my eyes flickered to look Taeyong in the eyes, "and you."

I ripped my hands out of Taeyongs grip, leaving small cuts on the side of my wrist. I didn't say anything to Jugyeong as I began walking away, the betrayal and anger seem to be the only thing keeping me on my feet.


Jugyeongs worried tone caused me to turn back around, just in time to meet a sea of darkness. Everything fell quiet. The world seemed to freeze as a black sea engulfed my vision. It felt weird though. My thoughts and own voice seemed distant as well.

Fluttering my eyes open, I looked around. I wasn't tied down to anything so that was a relief. But I still didn't know where I was. The room seemed to decorated to be just a guest room. I stood up and stretched, feeling a small pain in the back of my head. I huffed as I headed toward the doorway. As I went to step out of the seemingly open doorway, I was stopped by a strong figure. I almost ran into the person but, thankfully, stopped myself before I could.

"Sorry," I murmured, not really wanting to talk at the moment.

"I should be saying sorry."


I instantly looked up, unable to help the small smile that tugged on the corners of my mouth when I saw him already gazing down at me.

I was quite short compared to Lucas. I didn't even know his exact height yet but he was still considerably taller.

"No, no, it's fine. I was persistent and had no reason to act the way I did last night. Wait, was it last night or is it still night?"

"Don't worry, it's morning. I assumed you'd wake up around midnight or something, and you did but it was for a short while."

I nodded and sighed. I still felt bad. 

Oh yeah, Jugyeong.

"Where's Jugyeong?"

"With Haechan, or you may know him as Donghyuk. But when he heard she was being brought here, he pretty much demanded we treat her as if she were an infant or we'd die."

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