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That night, I sat on my bed and just stared at the wall. I thought about the realization I had on my way back to the dorms and huffed, "Do you actually believe he's gay?"

My roommate, Jugyeong, turned her head, "I don't know. I haven't talked to him at all."

"So he could be?"

"Y/N, I don't know."

"But that means I would like someone who's gay."

"Wait, wait, wait, you like him?"

"Well I mean, yeah I guess."

"You guess? What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I don't know. I talked to him today and he seemed really nice but then he told me not to talk to Taeyong and yeah."

"Wait, Taeyong as in Lee Taeyong? Oh lord."


"He is bad news. I thought you knew that."

"Well, I didn't."

"But you've watched him leave late at night and wait, like some creepy stalker, for him to come back."

"And? That doesn't mean he's bad news."

"You're just stupid, Y/N. It does mean he's bad news. But whatever, believe what you'd like."

"Even if he was bad news, I wouldn't mind. I want to go through a disaster and you know this."

Jugyeong huffed before looking at me with her wide, alluring, brown eyes, "Yes, Y/N, I know."

I smiled, "Then you shouldn't be surprised."

She didn't say anything more, meaning I had won this argument. I often won these arguments because I don't keep much from her. I only keep things that I know would hurt her from her. Other than that, with her anyway, I'm an open book. I shrugged and began scrolling through the countless posts on Instagram, having nothing better to do.

I got a message from someone and furrowed my eyebrows. Not many from the college knew that I had Instagram due to the fact that I never mentioned anything about it.

lulu.yuyu: Hey

..devils.daughter..: Hello?

lulu.yuyu: You probably don't recognize me but it's Lucas

..devils.daughter..: Oh, hi Lucas

lulu.yuyu: You don't seem to happy to be talking to me :(

..devils.daughter..: Oh no it's not that, I just didn't think you'd be able to find my Instagram

lulu.yuyu: Heh heh...I may or may not have done some stalking

..devils.daughter..: So I'm not the only one who does that?

lulu.yuyu: Who did you 'stalk'?

..devils.daughter..: Do you really need to ask?

lulu.yuyu: Taeyong?

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