Losing Battles

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Opening the door to my room after an hour or two, I looked both ways before carefully tip-toeing down the hall. I slipped past a room with the door cracked until I reached the end of the hall. The door was open slightly, enough for me to peak in and see if anyone was there. Sure enough, there stood Hendery.

"Hey, Hendery, could you get Doyoung? I want to talk to both of you," I asked as I stood in the doorway.

He looked up from the book he was reading and smiled, "Y/N, right? And yeah, I can get him. Please, come in."

I smiled in response before entering his room, "Yes, I am Y/N. Thank you for being willing to go get him."

All he responded with was a smile and a nod as he left the room. It was quiet for a moment before I heard Hendery call for Doyoung from the top of the stairs. He came back after a moment and soon Doyoung entered. He shut the door behind him before sitting down on another bed that was in the room. I assumed it was his since I didn't know who shared with who.

"What did you need," Doyoung questioned.

"I need you to help me get into this mafia thingy. Yukhei won't let me but he'll let Jugyeong. That makes me mad because he says it's my behavior," I explained as I looked from one to the next.

"If he doesn't want you to.." Doyoung spoke as he avoided eye contact.

"Please," I pleaded as I looked at them.

"It doesn't seem fair though so I say we could," Hendery stated as he looked at Doyoung.

I watched Doyoung hesitate before responding, "You can't tell Yukhei though."

I smiled before clapping my hands, "Thank you!"

Hendery smiled before standing, "We'll go talk to Johnny and Taeyong now."

I bowed slightly before backing out of the room and going back to mine. I shut the door quietly  before squealing and jumping up and down. I did a few weird movements as I finally got what I wanted. They didn't even argue that much. I flopped onto my bed before rolling around slightly.

I began imaging what it would be like to have my own family like the one I interrupted. So close that they know every last detail.

As I thought of this, Jugyeong came to my mind. Where had she gone? I haven't seen nor heard from her in days. it worried me. Was she alright?

Then I remembered Donghyuk.

"She's probably too caught up in the idea of having a boyfriend to even think about me. Some friend she is. She'd probably pick Donghyuk over me any day. I don't need her. She's useless to me. All she ever did was annoy me anyway."

I knew that wasn't true but I felt too angry to even process it.

I laid there silently, imagining all the moments Jugyeong and myself shared.

"Jeon Y/N, right?"

Her voice was so clear and friendly that it made me smile without question, "Yep, thats me. You must be Bae Jugyeong."

"Yep. I'm glad we can be roommates. You seem very delightful already. I look forward to the coming days."

I didn't realize the tears that formed in my eyes as I thought of our first time meeting each other. I smiled to myself, remembering when I accidentally walked in on Jugyeong and some guy almost starting something. Since then, we don't allow guys in the dorm without the other either being there already or knowing they're there.

As all of this played through my mind, my eyes began to close.

I didn't realized I slipped into a small slumber until someone tapped my knee. I opened my eyes and quickly sat up, looking around as I blinked multiple times. Finally my gaze rested on the male in front of me.

"Taeyong wants to talk to you," Hendery informed.

I nodded before yawning and standing up. I walked out of the room, following Hendery down the stairs and into the living room. Everyone was there.

"Hendery and Doyoung informed me you wanted to join. Yukhei opposed almost immediately so I took a house vote. Before I tell you what you're doing, you need to sit down. We were delivered news by Dejun today and I think you might want to know about it," Taeyong explained, his hands folded together in front of him.

Everyone had the same posture and same hand position. They all stared at me and it made feel uncomfortable having forty-two eyes looking at me, "Go on."

"Today, while Dejun was out, he noticed everyone seemed tense. Not only did they look around them with every step, but they stared at each other person with wide and suspecting eyes. The reason for this seemed unknown as no one spoke. Only looked."

"That doesn't tell me anything," I spoke.

"Y/N, listen to me. I'm trying to explain everything. Now, if you'll let me continue, Dejun began doing research. He stopped by multiple stores yet no news article seemed in stock. It was like they all had been bought because of why everyone was tense. Now, I need you to stay calm as I tell you this. Bae Jugyeong was found dead last night. She was in an alleyway with a bullet through the head."

As he spoke, my whole world came crashing down. Now that I looked around the room for Donghyuk, he looked pained. Very pained His dark eyes were glazed over like water on ice.

I couldn't breathe. My last thoughts of her were negative. I couldn't keep it in anymore and the tears started to flow. I slowly slipped off the couch and onto the floor, putting my knees up to my chest and shaking my head, "No. She's not dead you're lying to me."

"Y/N, I was," Taeyong spoke, clearly holding in years himself.

I bit my lip as I shook my head, tears streaming down my face as I rocked back and forth. I let out a sob as I stared at the floor. I couldn't see clearly because of the tears but I saw someone's feet. Soon enough, arms wrapped around me. That's when I lost it all.

Pain filled my chest as countless sobs racked my body despite the strong arms around me. 

It was Yukhei.

I buried my face into the crook of his neck, slowly wrapping my arms around him. I clenched the fabric of his shirt in my hands, crying relentlessly as he hugged me.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. His tone was clear as day and as clear as Jugyeong's smile. Everything about her. Her smile, her eyes, her personality. The purest thing washed away in a storm she was pushed into. It was my fault too.

"Y/N, we have come to the decision to not let you in."

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