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"I'm not going back."

And with that, I grabbed the wheel and pulled it toward me. He slammed on the breaks and I wasted no time in getting my seatbelt off and rushing out of the car. There I was running again. But this time Dejun was chasing me.


That was the only thing I could think of. Just scream help and someone will.


I heard my name but didn't know where it was coming from until I ran into someone. I stumbled and fell backward before looking up to see who I hit. My eyes widened when my eyes locked with Yukhei's. I scrambled to my feet to try and get away but grabbed my wrist pulling me backward.

"What on earth are you doing?"

I didn't want to answer anything he asked. But I didn't seem to have a choice. As I struggled, a couple of people watched but my eyes were locked on the same three people. Dejun. Taeyong. And some other dude I had no clue who he was but he was walking toward me.

It was a trap.

The whole Mr. Xiao thing was a lie.

I struggled before Lucas gave up and just wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. I just sat there for a minute, watching them get closer. 

'He's gay so it doesn't technically matter...' I thought before kicking him in the groin.

He let go and I dropped onto my feet. I darted diagonally to the left but felt someone yank me to the side.

I'm screwed. 

What bothered me, even more, is how no one bothered to help.

"Y/N, I told you, you couldn't go out here like this. Do you realize how much danger you've put all of us in," Taeyong questioned as he drug me back to where Yukhei was hunched over, leaning against a streetlamp.

I groaned and looked at Dejun and the other guy before looking at Taeyong, "Well, if you weren't so rude maybe I would've happily stayed. But what if I want the disaster. Maybe I want to get hurt."

"You've lost your mind," Taeyong muttered as Yukhei slowly stood up.

"I'd keep her away from there...She will disable your child maker," Yukhei warned.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but laugh, "Child maker? Why would you call it that?"

"Because that's what it does, idiot. Now, shut up. I want to get back to the house now," He grumbled before heading toward the black jeep.

"Sicheng, you sit upfront with me. Yukhei, you sit in the back with the idiot," Taeyong instructed as he pushed me over to the taller male.

As he put his arm around my waist, he looked down at me, "You'll pay for this someday."

Hearing that, my stomach did flips. His voice was low and it sounded relaxing but the way he used it made it sound...wrong. I gulped as I made eye contact for a few seconds before looking away.

He opened the car door and helped me inside before shutting it. He got in on the other side as I sat there, leaning toward the middle. Why? I don't even know. I have a habit of leaning when I'm sitting down and it gets rather annoying.

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