Another Way

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That's all that I heard after Yukhei finished talking. My face flushed red and I looked away anyway.

"Seems like Yukhei likes someone again," Taeil commented, smiling in pure delight.

"Does this mean Y/N can join the gang," Jisung asked.

"No. Never. She will never be face to face with danger like Apinya was," Yukhei cut in, giving everyone a serious look.

"What if I want to join," I inquired as I looked at him, "what would you do then?"

"Tell you no," he responded almost immediately.

"I'll just ask Taeyong."

"He won't let you," Yukhei commented as he looked through his phone. "But I'd gladly take a bullet for you so realize what kind of trouble you'd cause everyone else."

"That is not something you can pin on me. I am not telling you, 'Oh, someone wants to shoot me? Yukhei take the bullet please.' alright? I didn't tell you to look after me like some brother. I never have and never will."

He stared at me. Everything was quiet for a moment before Yukhei took a deep breath and responded, "I don't want you to ever see me as a brother. It would tear me apart for you to see me like that because that's not how I see you. You are my safety net. Someone I know I can go to if I need to talk so don't ever call me your brother."

No one said anything. I couldn't think of anything to say to him. I looked away, "Can I uhh...go to the bathroom?"

Jisung scooted out of the booth and allowed me to get out. I walked toward the bathroom before just standing in there. I stared myself down in the mirror. 

"You are so selfish, you know that? You're an idiot, self-centered, rude, annoying, hot-headed, girl. You think everyone wants to care for you. Not to mention snapping as soon as someone says something wrong. What is wrong with you? Get it together, Y/N. You could be the reason someone gets seriously injured but you don't seem to care. Imagine how Yukhei feels. Finally having his safety net back but then you call him out for acting like a brother. Get it together and stop being so selfish."

After speaking, I took a deep breath before walking back out. Haechan was looking awkwardly at the floor as I walked back over and sat down, "Let me heard?"

"Yeah...some of it anyway. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself," He nodded as he kept his gaze down.

I sighed before shaking my head, "No. Every word I said was true." I shook my head as I looked at the ice water in front of me. I didn't question where it came from as I took a drink and sat back in my seat.

"Y/N, have I done anything to make you feel like an idiot who's self-centered, rude, annoying, and hot-headed," Yukhei questioned.

So Haechan spread what he heard?

"No, that's just how I feel. I know how I am, you don't need to comfort me with lies," I shook my head as I fiddled with my phone.

"Why haven't you called authorities yet," Taeil asked.

"What's the point? You haven't harmed me and you aren't hurting me and you aren't starving me. You just won't let me leave," I answered.

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