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Deku's POV
I walked out of the bathroom confused. Why the hell did Kacchan just run away? He never did that. It wasn't like him to just run away.

"Yo, Deku! What the hell happened in the bathroom? Bakugo just ran out of the restaurant." Kirishima said as he approached me.

"He did? I didn't even notice he wasn't with you." I said. Why would he run? "We need to find him. Let's go, guys!" I said as everyone stood up. Iida and I paid the meal and we got the rest of the food packed up for later. Everyone else was already out in the park somewhere, looking for Kacchan.

"Where are you going, Midoriya?" Iida asked and I pointed towards the river and the bridge.

"I'll go along the river. Maybe he's going to the forest that's along the river." I said and Iida nodded. Then he went in one direction and I made my way to the river.
Kacchan's POV
I ran. I didn't know where to go, so I went along the river until I get to the forest. There's plenty of places to hide there. As I was running tears started streaming down my cheeks. What was happening to me? I'm becoming just like that loser, Deku. At the thought of that I quickly wiped the tears away and forced myself not to cry.

I made it to the forest and I stopped running. I walked past the many trees. Then I found a fallen tree. I sat on it and tried to calm down. I was angry. At myself. I was angry I felt this way. I wanted to explode something, but I was in the forest. It definitely wasn't safe. And then everyone would know where I am.

I felt tears biting at my eyes again. I tried to hold back, but after doing so for a few minutes tears just fell. And this time I didn't care. I let them fall. But why was I crying? Why did I feel the need to cry? I didn't even know what I felt at that moment. Was it saddness, anger, pain? Why am I such a fucking disappointment?

"Kacchan!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. Deku. Why out of all people did he have to find me? I didn't want to see him and I didn't want him to see me like this. But he could be my perfect punching bag. I need to get some anger out anyways. We could just fight. "Kacchan?" He questioned. His voice was much closer. I looked up and saw him looking at me. I quickly lowered my head again, hoping he hadn't noticed I was crying. To my unluck, he did. "Are you crying, Kacchan?" He asked. I just wanted to punch him in the face.

"Shut up, Deku." I whispered out. Why couldn't I speak louder? Then for a second I forgot the feeling I felt and let my anger take over. I let little explosions build in my hands and I pushed Deku to the ground, towering over him.

"I'll kill you." I said, my voice a little louder. I noticed a tear falling onto Deku's shirt. Then I wiped the tears away from my face and gave Deku a murderous look.

"Kacchan. Calm down." He tried to stop me. To be honest, I did think twice before doing anything else, but then that awful feeling of butterflies returned and I knew I had to continue. It's like he's my escape from this feeling of love. I then punched him in the face.

"Don't tell me to calm down, Deku." I said, feeling amazing, but then regreting it a moment after. I just emotionlessly stared at Deku and he gave me a puzzling look.

"Kacchan? What happened?" He asked, his tone full of worry for me. Why did he care? Why would he care? I'm an asshole. So why does he care?

I stopped thinking about violence and then I felt butterflies again. I stood up and left him laying on the ground as I walked out of the forest and back into town. I didn't even dare to look back at him, even though I really wanted to. Am I in love with Deku? No, I can't be. I hate him.
Deku's POV
He stopped himself. I just watched as he walked away, frozen. Does that mean that he might like me finally? I wanted to ask what's wrong, but I knew that wouldn't help. He wouldn't give me a straight answer. Instead I waited until he was out of sight to stand up. My lip was bleeding from the punch, but nothing too bad. I'm just happy that Kacchan finally stopped himself in a fight. I slowly walked back to the dormitory, careful not to catch sight of Kacchan. When I entered Uraraka and Tsu bombarded me with questions.

"Deku! What happened to you? Did someone hurt you?" Uraraka asked. I noticed Kacchan sitting on the couch. I knew he could hear every word, so I decided to lie.

"Uh, I fell in the forest while searching for Kacchan. But I couldn't find him. Is he back yet?" I lied. I looked over and saw a slight smirk appear on his lips.

"Yeah. He just came back a few minutes ago. Rebet." Tsu said and pointed over to him. I sighed in relief, obviously pretending.

"Wanna hang with us for a while?" Uraraka then asked and I shook my head.

"I'm just gonna go to my room and get some rest." I said and looked over to Kacchan one last time. His face seemed to be filled with disappointment, but I decided not to question it. I went to my room, took my pajamas, showered quickly and went to my bed. I was just thinking about the events that took place today. Why did all of that happen? Kacchan is so confusing. I don't think I will ever figure him out. And honestly, I'm not sure if I really wanted to.

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