Chapter 18

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"Do you know what you saw tonight?" Michael knew what had to be done if someone had seen the inner doings of the club. Since he was the Master Dom and the owner of the pandemonium nightclub he had done it countless times. "Uh... a lot of guys... having sex." Magnus mumbled under his breath his cheeks heating turning to a bright colour.

"Pff not all of them were having sex!" Alec scoffed earning a glare from Michael and Magnus to look up again. He just couldn't keep his eyes from the beautiful tall man with raven hair that perfectly matched as well as contrasted his pail skin. "My name is Michael Griffin, I'm the owner of this club. Can you tell me how old you are?" Michael knew he had to be careful because right away he could tell how sensitive this boy was. Magnus just thought he was screwed.

"N-nine-teen, Sir. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lie. I was just looking for someone and when I saw those guys go inside the door I got curious and followed. It was dumb and I swear it will never happen again. I'm just going to leave I'm sorry for all the trouble and..." "Woah woah...slow down there little guy. No need to be worried. I know what it's like to be young and rebellious." He interrupted Magnus who couldn’t stop rambling making it more and more for Alec to know the answer to his one question.

Why was this young beautiful boy looking for him? Didn’t his cold threatening appearance scare him off? Magnus swallowed hard and gripped the sheet of the bed tighter waiting for someone to talk again. "I’m taking your fake ID. I want everything that you faked." Alec broke the silence reaching out his hand expecting Magnus to do as told and Magnus did. He hurried to take out his fake ID and pushed it in Alecs hand who ripped it to pieces with zero hesitation.

"Clearly you saw that this isn't the usual nightclub. You know anything about BDSM?" Michael asked with a slight smirk and Alec sighed becoming annoyed by something he couldn’t quite place his finger on. "I’ve watched 50 shades of grey... if that's what you mean." Magnus mumbled quietly and the room filled with a chuckle coming from Michael while Alec rolled his eyes.

"Well it's a bit different than that but not very. This club is a half BDSM club and you just discovered it. You might have heard about the relationship between a sub and a Dom?" Michael asked causing Magnus face to turn bright red and it actually made Alec smile a little. He hadn’t realized how much Magnus’ shy attitude appealed to him and how this never felt before feeling creeped up swallowing his heart.

Magnus didn't trust his voice to come out more than a squeak because of how embarrassed he felt not even from just hearing the words but also from the arousal growing in his stomach. He saw all the kinky toys hanging from the wall and at first glance he felt nothing more than nausea but then his mind traveled to what they were for. It made him think of all the things that could be done with them... things Alec could do with them to him.

"Since it's quite late... why don't you come here on Wednesday at 3pm so we can talk? You need to understand that the people here enjoy the privilege of secrecy and even though I trust you not to tell anyone I still need you to sign a disclosure form. Okay?" Michael knew he had the boy and he also knew the reason he was so easily hooked. The second Magnus became calm was when he saw Alec.

Michael knew Alec was the reason this boy would become a member. Magnus thought of it a few moments before he simply nodded trying to turn his face back to a normal colour. "Great! I'm going back to work then. Alec, I assume you can take the boy home?" Michael asked the smirk on his face almost invisible but it was there and Alec sighed still nodding his head. "Sure. Please tell Jesse where I’m going and that we’ll catch up tomorrow evening." Alec answered his voice seeming a little tired but only because he had been up since five this morning.

"Of course. Magnus, see you on Wednesday." Michael smiled as he left the room and again only nodding his mind messy from what just happened. "You forgot how to talk?" Alec asked with a raised eyebrow once Michale was gone making Magnus startle slightly by the harsh tone.

"N-no... I just don't know what to say." Magnus answered thoughtfully as Alec sat down on the bed close enough for Magnus’ heart to jump. "He wants you to be a sub here." Alec knew it was mean but he hoped this would scare Magnus enough to run in the opposite direction and never come back.

"W... why... I saw them... I don't fit in here." Magnus voice was barely a whisper and Alec tilted his head confused. "What do you mean?" He asked a slight frown tugging his forehead causing Magnus to lift his head looking right in Alecs pupils. "Look at them and then look at me. Isn't it obvious?" Magnus sighed as he broke the eye contact with Alec and got up from the bed. Alec slowly rose to his feet still a confused look washed over his face as he stared at Magnus’ back. Magnus’ shoulders were hanging and his head bowed.

"It's obvious that you're the most stunning out of all of them." Alecs mouth was working faster than his mind but to be totally honest it was his heart that spoke for him. Magnus’ head clouded and he spun on his heels his cheeks blushing and his stomach tingling.

"What?" He asked and Alec didn't know what this feeling was but it was strange. He didn't have any control over his body or his mind and in the next second he covered the boys beautiful boys cherry lips with his  own...//tbc

tbc who died? 😅❤️💕💜

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