Chapter 13

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Quincy! Get downstairs Everyone get the children in the main room and protect them at all costs. Lauren had jolted awake fear in her eyes. 

"It's okay, love. Go downstairs okay?" She began to go down and I went after her holding her hand. 

 "Ezekiel?" I asked but he shook his head not knowing what it was. I turned to Quincy. "I want Blaze, Derek, and Jax to shift and stay here. I have to go and check the perimeter." He nodded and I turned to leave but felt Lauren grab my arm. 

 "You can't go out there alone." "It's okay, I'll be back I promise." I kissed the top of her head. 

Keep her here, and make sure she doesn't try and follow me. I thought to Evelyn. Her eyes were sad but she nodded and took Lauren by the shoulders. In two strides I had shifted from man to wolf and Quincy opened the door. I padded out and the lock clicked behind me and I knew my pack would be okay. The scent of wolf hit my nose. There were other shifters here. I couldn't figure how many but it was definitely a pack. I ran toward it, and another scream rang out through our forest. My pace quickened until I reached a clearing just outside our boarders. 

There was a younger boy, probably mid teens laying in the field with multiple people surrounding him. A large russet wolf turned to look at me. And looked back toward the boy. An older female stood

"Please great one, we beg you to help us." I slowly walked forward, their pack moving aside and bowing in respect. 

Quincy, there's a new pack here take two wolves and check perimeter for anyone else and be careful. I shifted to human form to address the woman standing by the young boy.

"What happen?" Tears streamed down her face as she fell to her knees grasping a limp hand. 

"We've been trying to find you for weeks. My boy John was touched by something large and black...a cloud of some sort. He hasn't been the same since and it's getting worse. It's like there's a darkness in him we can't expel. He's been like this too long and I'm fearing the worst. The last time I saw this was before we tried to find you and she died. Please help him." I went to kneel by John. His eyes were frantic not focusing on anything, froth forming at his mouth.

"John, can you hear me? My name is Phoenix I'm here to help you, but I need you to help me okay? I'm going to enter your mind and body, please don't fight me or try and push me out." I took his hand and hummed tapping into the ancient power I despised. There was a poison in his body, something dark. It wasn't a poison of the mind or body more of the soul. I knew if they hadn't found us when they did John wouldn't have lasted the night. Slowly I began to expel the darkness nullifying it with immense light. I opened my eyes to see a dark cloud hover over him before disappearing into the night. 

 "RAHH-" He yelled teeth clenching and went silent, not breathing. I held my hand up for silence and two seconds later he inhaled so fast I thought his lungs might burst. 

 "Oh thank the Gods." The woman ran to her sons side and gripped him in a bear hug. I stood up brushing off the dirt on my knees.

"Where's your Alpha?" The Russet wolf that greeted me earlier stepped forward and dipped his head. 

Great one, we are forever in your debt. His mental voice was deeper then I had expected. Nodding in his direction, I went to say something, but Quincy, Derek, and Artemis came trotting up causing many of the wolves in the other pack to whip around and bear their teeth. A deep growl sounded from Quincy's throat. Have peace, wolves. Quincy thought to the pack. Their lips covered their canines again and they dropped their gaze. 

"Come back to our house, you can rest outside for now. Tomorrow we will talk about what happened. Follow Quincy back." The group warily followed, steps tired and weary from whatever journey they had endured. I hadn't missed their comment that another had died from their pack, and I certainly hadn't missed that it was a dark shadow that had done this to them. Something else deep in my gut warned me this wouldn't be the only pack searching for our help. Shifting back I gazed over the empty field. 

Whatever you are, Whoever you might be, I will find you and Destroy you.

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