Chapter 16

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It had been days since I had seen Phoenix and she knew the pack had been in trouble for a while. My mother not knowing anything had restricted me to stay at home. I wasn't allowed to leave or see Phoenix until my grades were back up. Of course my teachers didn't feel the urgency of getting grades in so I've stayed at a standstill. 

Of course we talked whenever possible but at the moment we were to busy to have a good conversation. Currently the Math class I was in was the most boring class. None of these people had any idea what was happening right below their noses. 

There were quite a few new wolves attending the high school and the males were getting swooned over and females causing every guy's dick to jump out on it's own. Some of them had no clue that many of these "Teens" were over a hundred years old and none payed attention to the humans as many already had mates back home. Though there were some who were searching for their mates at the school and would take a new girl or guy every now and then to see. 

"Okay make sure you get homework done and be ready Friday for the quiz!" My teacher shouted as we all bolted for the door as soon as the bell rang. As I was packing I heard someone move behind me. Tensing I began to turn.

"Relax, it's just me." Apollo said smiling at my jumpiness. I slapped his arm. "Don't sneak up on me!" 

"Ow, don't hit so hard!" I knew I barely hurt him and he was ALL muscle so there was no effect.

"What's up?" 

"Phoenix sent me to check on our Luna and see how you are...If you need anything." The boyish face Apollo sported was too hilarious as I knew he was going on his 3rd century. 

"I'm okay, how is the pack doing?" Phoenix ran his hand through his hair. "The Pack is fine, but there's too many Alphas in one place and it's causing major conflict. Phoenix has practically babysat the packs at this point. I know she misses you and there's a few females trying to get her attention." My skin crawled with goosebumps the jealous rage took a hold. Even though I didn't have a wolf my need to be with my mate overwhelmed me. Apollo realized this and quickly amended. 

"Not that she'd take any of them. Even before she found you she refused to give any female the time of day." I relaxed but only slightly. 

"I need to see her. It's painful not being able to be with her." Apollo nodded. "It's hard. I would know. It won't get easier either. Your mother still charges you for the next 5 moons until you're 18..." Apollo thought back, "Your soul seems like it would've fit amazingly in the 1800's...Except for the Gay part." 

"Thanks?" I said confused by what he meant. The late bell rang and I began to head out of the classroom. 

"Wait, come with me." I followed him to the attendance office still confused. He smiled at the lady and she returned the smile. "This is the girl, you know what to do." We left the office and I looked back at her and she was still smiling.

"Don't worry, she's under Arielle's spell. If any of us ask to leave school or such she keeps our attendance clean. We're taking advantage of that now. You're going to see Phoenix." As soon as my ears heard her name my heart jumped. "It helps sometimes, having these abilities...other times it's a curse." 

"Could I ever become a wolf like you?" I asked before I could stop myself. Apollo seemed to pause and restart. "That is a question you need to ask Phoenix." I was curious. Why was this question so hard for Apollo to explain to me. He must've seen my expression. "I'm sorry but that's not for me to answer or share with you." I nodded but it still bothered me.

Phoenix? I felt her mind open immediately. 

I'm here love.

Can you tell me if I could be a wolf like you? Apollo won't tell me. I felt her sigh through the link. I'll have to talk to you later about this. It's quite complicated and I have to go. Some wolves need my attention. The link broke but somehow I could feel that she was still there.

"Does Phoenix know I'm coming?" Apollo shook his head. "Nah she doesn't she's been so busy with the packs." Apollo looked like he just remembered something. 

"I don't know if Phoenix told you this so I'll explain it now. Our pack is like the Alpha pack of packs if that makes any sense." I nodded and he continued. 

"It also works the same as a pack does rank wise. Your mate, Phoenix is the Alpha of our pack which means she also controls the other pack's alphas. For example, other wolves in other packs would have to obey Phoenix before their own Alpha. This also works the same with Quincy however he cannot control the Alphas - he controls Beta down in all the other packs. This continues down the line 3rd rank to 3rd rank and so on. So this brings me to you. You're the Luna - mate to Phoenix which means you have the same can control all those under you. Anything you demand of anyone they must do. But I warn you. This power cannot be taken lightly. Especially with so many packs here. They will look to approve you as the mate to Phoenix. Should Phoenix pass you are in charge of the packs until your heir takes his/her place as the new Alpha. Should you not gain these packs trust, they will not come at your call regardless of who you were mated with." Suddenly I felt like an elephant was crushing me. There wasn't much I feared but being the center of attention was at the top of that list. Apollo saw this and began to speak again.

"Look, I'm not worried. You're super likable and you have the entirety of our pack behind you. Just be yourself and you'll be fine." I nodded, but honestly I wasn't relieved. Before I could think anymore about it I saw the house come into view. There were quite a few more structures behind it as well and I knew these were the houses the other packs were staying in. 

"Those are the other houses...Only you and Phoenix can enter those houses without the permission from someone in the pack they belong to. Again, please be careful of this power." I nodded too eager to see Phoenix. My body hummed with energy of being so close to my mate. 

"She's out back. I think she's dealing with two Alphas that were out of line this morning." I walked around back, practically sprinting to her when she came into view. I barely noticed the huge camp that had been set up in their backyard. It looked like they had assembled for war. There was so much going on, wolves and people walked side by side. On the other end of the backyard there were two massive wolves circling each other and attacking. However as I walked, I felt many of them stop their conversations and look her direction. Phoenix must've been waiting because she stepped away from the group she was talking to and snaked her arm around my waist. As if a spell had been broken the entire camp began talking again but she could still feel their eyes watching her. 

"Jake and Malachai I have yet to think of your punishment. You will continue to stay in your pack houses until I can sort this out. Dismissed." They both bowed their head in respect but neither looked to happy about the outcome. Still wrapped in Phoenix's arm, I leaned into her side breathing in the woodsy scent she carried with her. 

Can we go somewhere else? I asked not wanting to speak allowed. She glanced at me and began to walk back to our house. One of the guys Phoenix had been talking to called out. 

"Wait...Alpha." He spit the last word out as if it was poison. 

"I challenge you. I challenge you for your position as Alpha." 

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