Chapter 30

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Looking back now I wish I had been able to bottle what I had felt in that moment. I wish I had been able to live that moment forever. Just a few moments more of that feeling before our world once again came crashing down.

It was then Blaze came running into my room eyes wild with fear.

"Alpha it's Luke, he's seen something." Immediately I was out the door and sitting next to the young child.

"Luke, what is it?" I said gently, trying to coax the scared boy to talk. "I saw them. They were so big. They're coming." Blaze and I locked eyes both reflecting the same fear.

"Who? Who did you see?"

"Wolves. Scarred black wolves."

"When are they coming Luke?" Blaze urged his son to continue to speak. Luke looked up, his eyes still haunted by whatever he had seen.

"Now. They're coming now." We sat there in silence. Not more than a second had to have gone by but it felt like an eternity. We were supposed to be the ones to attack them not the other way around. I was supposed to have my bonding ceremony with my mate tomorrow.

"Phoenix we must get all the pups safe and begin assembling." Blaze urged me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Go, get everyone who will fight and line them up with Quincy. It's time to fight." He turned and ran out of the room sounding the alarm as he went.

Evelyn come get Luke please and make sure all pups from all packs are taken care of.

Of course. Terror was running through the wolves as I sprinted out of the house. The entire makeshift camp was alive with bodies. Jax was ushering some of the younger children into our Pack House bringing them into safety. A few meters away Evelyn and Apollo were helping some of the other wolves find the best ambush positions. Arielle and Quinlian gathered three massive wolves to guard the safe house with the pups; they would be the last line of defense if we lost.

Artemis please head to Lauren's house and make sure her escort back here is safe, and hurry! She acknowledged me and bolted toward her house. Blake was disappearing and reappearing, bringing different groups of wolves to the main clearing.

"Alpha!" Jade was running toward me, not stopping my stride. I let her catch up to me. "We will fight with you, where do you need us?" Looking around I realized that even with all the chaos we were working well getting everything in order around us.

"Good, I'm glad you decided to fight with us." Blaze came into view and I beckoned him over. "Take Jade and her pack and find a good place for them to help our fight." He nodded and they both jogged off. Cennady, Blaze's mate came into view.

"Alpha where do you want all the mates and humans?"

"Head to the Pack house, all the pups are there too. Arielle and Quinlian will be there with some other wolves. If any of the mates have experience fighting, they can help be the last line of defense. For now, keep all the pups calm. As soon as every pup and mate are accounted for Ezikiel will close the building so they can't leave and hopefully so no one can get in." She nodded. Quincy then took her place.

"We're almost all set on the defensive line. When those wolves come they won't get through." His eyes sparked with a fire I hadn't seen since I met him in the Tavern.

"Let's hope so. All the humans and pups are safe in our Pack House, Quinlian and Arielle are guarding them, their gifts will pose well if someone breaks through our line. Jade has decided she will fight with us so her pack adds another 20 wolves or so. Also can you please find where Artemis is?" Before he could respond Artemis appeared.

"Right here Phoenix." Behind her Lauren appeared, a hard light glinting in her eyes. I went to hug her, breathing a sigh of relief now that she was in my arms. "Take the wolves that were guarding her house and head to the front line Danyon will have a task for you." They disappeared and I looked at Lauren.

"Love, you will have to stay in the Pack House." I held my hand up as she opened her mouth to protest. "Princess I know you don't want to, I know you want to be out there, but I won't be able to fight to my fullest if I'm afraid of you getting hurt out there. My mind will feel safer if I know you're behind the front lines. You'll see me after." I kissed her then, a short but passionate kiss. How much I wished we'd have our bonding ceremony the next day. How much I wished things had turned out differently.

"Quincy please take her back to the Pack House and meet me in the front." I turned back to Luaren. "I love you more than myself, Lauren. I will come back to you." She nodded and kissed my cheek, tears flowing from her eyes.

"I love you too, baby. You better come back to me or I'll kill you myself." The last part forced a laugh, but we could all feel the tension in the air. Our hands held until the last second when she became too far away to hold. I expelled a long breath and closed my eyes, when they opened their gold shone through and I was on four legs.

Slowly I walked through the camp, as I came up on the first of the hundreds of wolves lined up, they parted to make room for me to pass. They continued to part as I made my way to the front line where my pack waited for me. Finally I came to stand before them. Looking out I felt pride to know these were my wolves, they were my pack; all of them.

I will not lie to you. This will be one of the biggest battles you have ever faced. This will not be a mere skirmish that will be over with a bark and some claws. You will not be able to run from these wolves, they will kill you. They have no mercy, no mind of their own. I know our values, I know how you feel about killing. But today, you must kill if you want to live. Today you're fighting for the pups in the den behind you, you're fighting for your mates, for those who have already died. Today you're fighting for your own freedom.

As my thoughts trailed out silence erupted. Then, from the back of the pack, a single howl rose - and like a wildfire, every wolf threw back their heads and took up the tune. I looked at my pack seeing their eyes glint with excitement. Even with the idea that they could die, the excitement of the coming battle showed.

Two minutes later another howl drifted to our ears. It was the scout's. They had come.

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