Chapter 36

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I was pinned. No amount of struggling could set me free from my father's iron grip. My eyes rolled looking for Alice. The wolf I had once called a friend now smiling down at my guaranteed death. Her eyes sparked with something I had never seen in a living creature. She was relishing in my torment.

You're my mother, why do you want to kill me? I shoved my thoughts to her.

"My daughter died the day Poppy took her out of my arms. You are no daughter of mine." I howled in frustration. Vaguely I realized the fight had long since stopped in the clearings below and the wolves were gravitating toward me and my father. Both dark wolf and my allies alike stood in silence watching the final battle that would determine their fate. I could hear my pack panicking, but I could not console them. No one dared try to cross our paths.

I looked at my father then, in his eyes, searching for something left in the dark abyss. He stared back waiting for his masters command. With no more options I pushed my thoughts to him.

Father, please don't you remember me? Don't you remember mom? She wouldn't want this! She loved you so much, you adored her. Do you remember that day in the meadow when I first shifted? She was so happy for me she shifted too and ran with me. You came to join us. It was one of the happiest memories I have of us.

For a second he hesitated, his grip loosening slightly. I knew it was working.

Don't you remember? The first time I was introduced to the pack they all bowed and I've never seen you so proud of me. You were swelling with love. You picked me up on your shoulders and showed me off to the entire pack. You wouldn't let anyone touch me because you were afraid they would hurt me. My first howl was one that I'll never forget. You and mom had just taken down a huge deer and I had run alongside you. When you killed it my first howl was heard through the packs.

He faltered again.

"NO YOU FOOL. DON'T LISTEN TO HER!" Alice roared. His eyes snapped back to darkness.

Please, dad. I loved you then, and I still love you. Even through all the beatings and drinking. Through mom's death and your insanity I loved you. When I found out you were alive I was furious. But I realize I was mad because you never came back. But you did. You came back to me. It may have been under the influence of Alice but you came back to me. Please, remember.

My dad seemed to be fighting an internal war between Alice's grip and his own. Slowly, the pressure on my chest began to recede.

Phoenix? I'm so sorry. He thought to me.

"YOU IDIOT! IF YOU WON'T KILL HER, I WILL!" Alice lunged forward, shifting as she jumped. Before I could even move my father threw himself in her path. I heard a sickening crack as she broke his back.

I lunged toward Alice pinning her underneath me.

You've lost. Take what you will and leave. I do not want to kill you. You are my mother and I hope one day you can realize what that means. Now get off my territory. I bit down on her shoulder and released her watching her run with her tail between her legs. I sighed and looked around. We had lost so many. Some of the dark wolves had followed Alice but many remained too confused to do anything.

I shifted back to my human form exhausted.

"For all of you that are left of Alice's followers you have two choices. Stay or run. If you stay you have my word that I will help you recover from what Alice had done to you. If you run, you will be hunted to the ends of the Earth by all packs." The dark wolves were still and confused milled around.

"Quincy you're in charge of the dark wolves, I need to go see my mate." Before I could walk anywhere I felt someone throw themselves into my arms. I inhaled her scent like it was a drug.

"Phoenix you had me so worried. I was trying to get the message about Alice but I couldn't get through to you." I buried my head in her neck. "It's okay love, it's over, it's all over."

"No, now it's over." I heard from behind me before something sharp was plunged into my back. 

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