Chapter 24

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"Judging by your reaction I'm guessing Phoenix still believes me dead?" I couldn't respond, my mind and body were still trapped in an unseen power. A raspy laugh came from the being in front of me.

"What are you?" The being twisted it's face into a smile.

"My dear I am a Hellerash. We feed off hate and vengeance. Unfortunately all known Hellerash die within a week of being created, which wouldn't have suited me well, would it? Because Hellerash are fueled by rage we're stronger, faster, better than the regular wolves. So my son and I worked for years to crack the code. We can feed off each other. He stays a wolf but I can feed off the hate he has to his half sister. Of course his mother also plays a part in the picture, but we don't speak of her much." His solid form began to melt back into the shadows.

"We'll meet again, child. For now you'll be headed back to your mate...she must be frantic." Another distorted laugh before he disappeared. The pale face came back into view.

"Don't you get it now? Phoenix stole everything from me. She almost killed my father. She had the life that I have always dreamed of. A pack that loved her, powers, and those who adored her. I got to sit in the shadows, hidden from the world. Everyone will know my name soon, that's a promise. I am the most powerful wolf, and the only halfbreed that has ever lived." I tried to move, to talk to say anything but nothing worked. I wanted to tell him it wasn't Phoenix's fault, it was their father's. That if he came back with me right now Phoenix would show him right.

Before I even got a chance he turned on his heel and disappeared. Two more seconds went by and the two gruff men dragged her out of the room. "Let's go." The boy with the scar began to walk behind me and I took my last chance.

"Please let me go, don't do this. Wolves will die." A flash crossed his eyes. "Shut up Mongrel you know nothing." I knew I'd never reach him again in this place and fell silent. They got back in the car, throwing me in the back and began to drive. Toward the edge of the territory they stopped and I was pulled yet again from the car. 3 massive wolves came to flank me and they slowly walked me into another dense thicket. The one in front shoved his way through trees, bushes, and brambles for almost 10 minutes before stopping. A clearing came into view.

Dozens of wolves walked out of the trees and bushes surrounding it. Each wolf had scars down their body and all looked like they were inflicted by another wolf. Many of the wolves that were around the clearing had an eye struck out looking like Phoenix's father.

"Call your mate girl." The fat wolf said.
Phoenix. Help me.

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