Chapter 8

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"So tell me again why you were out in the woods all alone?" We had taken the quickest way back home with Evelyn fussing over Apollo all the way. Even when he had shifted back into human form, there were no scars on his face from the shredding he had received. The only mark was that on his stomach.

"I don't know. I just felt like something was compelling to go I guess. I don't remember much." Even though we had tried to sift through his memories, it was as if they were wiped clean. There were foggy ideas of the memory, but nothing we could solidly identify. Before the pack could ask anymore questions, there was a knock at the door.

My wolf stood up at attention sensing Lauren on the other side of the door.

"We'll talk about this later, from now on no one goes out alone, and I want the entire pack to be sleeping in this house. I'm going to summon Ezekiel later for his wisdom and help. For now, everyone needs to be on alert and cautious. Whatever this was laid low for a long time before striking again." The pack nodded and everyone got up from the living room. Another knock came from the door.

"Alpha, you need to tell her." Quincy came up from behind me nodding at the door. I sighed. I knew I had to tell her soon.

"Not soon. Today." He said once more before turning away and opening the door. Lauren smiled from the outside and walked in.

"Hey Quincy, how are you?" He smiled in return.

"I'm doing well, I'll leave you two alone now." I went to hug Lauren and relished the feeling of how absolutely perfect she fit in my arms, she belonged in them.

"There's a place I want to show you." I guided her out the door before taking a left around the house. It wasn't a long walk, and it was close to the pack.

Quincy please make sure we aren't disturbed.

I felt acknowledgement before I shut off my mind from anyone but myself. Lauren and I talked as we walked, and I could tell she was eager to see where we were going. I could smell the fresh water as we got close to the hidden waterfall on our territory. Pulling back a clump of brambles I let her go first before following close behind. There was a gasp of wonder as the sun shone through and revealed the waterfall.

Two massive rocks outlined the waterfall on each side as a cascade of water fell into a basin below. The crystal blue water sparkled in the sunlight refracting like a million diamonds.

"This is beautiful, Phoenix." She turned to me, eyes shining taking the scene in. I gestured for her to sit with me by the water letting my feet skim the surface. It was times like these where I appreciated the peace the world could offer. Here we were in the most beautiful place on Earth, and I was here with the most perfect mate anyone could ask for.

My eyes wandered over seeing as the light reflected on her skin making a slight halo around her. Her mouth was curved into a small smile while her eyes were still filled with wonder of the view. I leaned back on my arms expelling a long breath as I prepared for what I was about to do.

"What's wrong?" I couldn't look her in the eye.

"I have something to tell you, Lauren, and it's not easy and I don't know how you're going to react." She looked concerned, I would be too if I were in her shoes. The way I was saying this wasn't the best way but I didn't know how to tell her any differently.

"Lauren...fuck...I don't know how to say this...I really have no clue how to say this. I've never done this before. Okay here we go. Lauren, I'm a werewolf." Her face didn't really give any reaction away but I could hear her heart beating a little faster.

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