Chapter 18

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I woke and sunlight slowly filtered into my eyes. Beside me Lauren stirred. Kissing the top of her head, she opened her eyes. "Mornin' princess." She just nodded in acknowledgement.

I heard a knock at my door and Quincy entered, "Alpha, the sun is almost set." I groaned. I really didn't want to do this. This guy was nuts but honestly it would be good battle practice and to sharpen my skills.

"Common love, time to see the action." I opened my closet and moved all the clothes aside revealing the back of the wardrobe. I removed the false wall in the back and revealed my traditional fighting robes. They were white and black with the head of a wolf in the middle of the chest. The back flowed out into a slight cape and the pants were lined with red down the sides. I put it on and headed down stairs.

"Alright let's get this over with." I sighed again really not wanting to do this. My pack followed me and we headed toward the clearing we found the Pack. All the other packs had already gathered around and on the other side of the field was Malachi with his pack. Quincy walked into the area and spread his arms in theatrics.

"We have gathered to witness the challenge between Malachi and Phoenix. Will the challenger please some forward?" Malachi's buddies were whispering to him and then pushed him into the ring. "Malachi do you still hold your challenge against Phoenix?" He nodded in confirmation.

"Will the challenged please step forward?" I turned to Evelyn sending her a silent message away from everyone else. If anything should happen please keep her safe. Teach her how to rule and teach her everything you know. She nodded a small tear escaping her eye. I then turned to Lauren and kissed her on the head before walking into the ring.

"Do you still accept the challenge, Phoenix?" I nodded. "I do." Quincy took a deep breath before continuing with the next part.

"This challenge will follow traditional rules. You may not use any special powers. You may shift. Only the challenger and the challenged can enter the ring. You may not leave the ring. The challenger may submit at anytime...The challenged may not. Do you both agree to these terms?" We both nodded for confirmation. "Begin." Quincy stepped back into the ring leaving us to circle each other. Everyone on the outside of the ring had shifted into their wolf form as was tradition. Those who could not shift were standing in between two wolves. This would ensure everyone was protected through the challenge.

My gaze focused on Malachi now staring me down as well. The assessment if each other would show weakness or fear. I waited for him to make the first move. After only a few seconds he began running at me shifting mid stride. I heard the wolves behind him growing and egging him on. He was large for a wolf, but not as large as even the smallest in my pack. His eyes were focused on me, canines exposed. Two seconds before he would've collided with me I sidestepped avoiding his sloppy lunge at me.

He spun, his momentum taking him further then I think he wanted. He ran at me again and as soon as he got close enough I dodged, however this time I had extended my claws on my right hand and I raked them down his side drawing blood. The wolves were yipping in excitement, for many of the younger ones this was the first challenge they had witnessed. I knew my pack would be watching silently waiting for this to end.

Rage had begun to fill Malachi's eyes and he howled. Slowly he began stalking toward me. This time I shifted. For a moment Malachi paused forgetting how large I was. My shoulders stood just over the top of his head. He ran to face me head on and I batted him out of the way. He fell hard on his side and rose slower than he should've. He was low on stamina. The charges had taken its toll. He stood gasping for breath, his muzzle open in a twisted smile, saliva dripping from the bottom teeth. His eyes filled with the intent to kill. He stalked closer and lunged grabbing me by the flank and biting down. Twisting I caught his tail between my jaw and bit down hard feeling the bones crack. His grip loosened just enough for me to twist my head around trying to find a grip on his neck. Malachi's hind claws found purchase on my stomach and drew some blood before I could push him off of me and pad to the other side of the circle.

The blood pounded in my ears like a war drum and the wolves added to a lost and erie tune. Their howls pierced the night and I knew the next morning there would be news of hearing wolves in the forest. It was time to make my own move. I began to walk toward him sensing some panic. Before I got another stride however two more wolves appeared behind him baring their teeth. Malachi's thoughts projected through the entire circle.

Phoenix has ruled too long. It's time for her to go. I propose a new test. She defeats all of us - she keeps her reign. Should she fail...well she dies. The wolves had gone silent. Before anyone could react they attacked.

I was ready for the sudden movement and lunged at the wolf on my left. He was bigger than Malachi; his lips pulled back and his canines were bared. Lunging I snapped at his front right leg but he dodged and swiped at my paws. Before I could regain my balance, I felt the weight of the other wolf on my back forcing me to the ground. Sharp teeth bit through my scruff and I could feel another biting down on my side. I felt the Malachi pad up closer to me letting his friends continue to hold me. He lunged on top of me raking his claws down my side.

I felt hot blood begin to trickle down my side and knew if I didn't get out of this hold fast he would snap my neck. Struggling would only show they had me pinned, so I thought back to when I was a pup playing with my litter mates. It was my last trick against the three wolves, but I had to try. I went limp. My entire body and all my muscles relaxed. To my surprise it worked - the two wolves holding me down released their grip for a split second thinking they had won, and I heaved with everything I had left. They were both thrown off, and at the same time my jaws clamped on the paw that had held my head down and I felt the bone crush to a pulp - a short whine gave me reassurance.

As I righted myself I could feel my wound still seeping blood, and I knew at least one of my ribs was broken. I saw a wolf on the ground pulling his right leg to his chest and the other two circling around me.

Stop this Malachi you're only hurting yourself in this. He only gave a short bark in reply. I knew he would only go down in the fight and wouldn't surrender. He looked to his friend and I turned to take him on. Malachi lunged as soon as my attention turned to his friend, but I dodged and kicked the smaller grey wolf and pinned him. Sinking my teeth into his shoulder, I bit through the soft tissue and into the muscle. He squirmed to get away but I continued to bite down until I felt Malachi behind me and grab my scruff yanking me off.

I could feel the blood from my mouth dripping down, and I knew it was a terrifying sight. A white wolf coated in blood staring down at an opponent. I knew Malachi was terrified too but he wouldn't back down. Not this time.

Baring my teeth I advanced. This wolf had challenged me for my leadership. He had endangered two young female wolves and had dragged two wolves from his own back to break our sacred code. It was time to end this.

He threw himself at me catching my muzzle with his claws. I felt them sink in but that had left his throat exposed. I lunged grabbing it and pinned him down, my paw holding his stomach leaving him unable to get up. Struggling, he tried to get out but my claws dug into his side where I held him.

Submit. I growled his aorta pulsing underneath my teeth.

Never. He growled back. I knew again, in that moment my only option was to kill him. I had always had that problem with killing. It took a part of me every time.

Last chance. Submit.

Never. As soon as he thought those words I clamped down biting completely through his neck. He convulsed a few times but I knew he was dead. My eyes shifted to the two wolves that had helped him in the attack.

Do you submit? They whimpered and nodded.

Very well. Tie them and hold them. I'm done for the night. All of you. LEAVE. I forced all my power into the last word causing the entire circle to cringe. They slowly began to walk away and I heard a few conversations as many shifted back to talk to the humans who had witnessed the fight too.

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