Chapter 20

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As soon as they left the room all the rage, anger, and every other emotion I had bottled up come exploding out. "FUCK!" I yelled hitting the all so hard I felt my bones in my hand break. Angry tears began streaming down my face and I kept hitting the wall. Soon I felt the hot sticky blood dripping down my hand - it was mangled beyond recognition. I could tell I had shattered it. I didn't even feel the pain.

Alpha, I hope you don't mind. Derek said gently in our mind link. I didn't have to ask and he didn't answer, someone walked into the room behind him. She was quiet but I knew it was Lauren, I always knew. She wrapped her arms around me laying her head on my back. Tears began to stream down my face, but she just held me waiting for it all to pass.

"I don't know what to do. My people, friends, and family are going to get killed. I can't do this anymore. I can't stop whatever this is." I will never understand what I did to deserve such an amazing mate but I knew one thing; she was everything I had ever asked for and more. "They're dying and I can't save them. I can't keep watching this and doing nothing."

"I know you won't like this, but maybe the best option is to use the ancient power that wolf gave you before. She gave it to you for a reason, maybe it's time you accept it." I knew she was right, but I remember a time when I used it and a good friend had died. The power I had was too great to exist in this world even for someone like me.

Lauren took my mauled hand gently. "Love, how are you ever going to fix this?" I gave a pained smile and flexed popping the bones back into place. I focused on my healing and slowly the skin and muscle stitched back up leaving a small scar on the back of my hand.

"I'll never get used to that." She said, shaking her head. We sat there until my legs were numb. Slowly we made our way out and the few wolves that were around bowed their heads. I felt a little better but I still didn't know what to do. I was so lost. Even with my gifts and my packs gifts we couldn't do anything to slow this thing down. He seemed immortal.

"I need to clear my mind. I'll be back." Landing on all fours I glanced back at Lauren before trotting into the woods. I had no set place to go so I let my paws carry me wherever. The moon had come up sending a white glow on our forest. I knew my coat was glowing just as bright under the glow as well.

Stopping by a pond I began lapping some water quenching the thirst that burned my throat. As I did, I glanced up noticing that it seemed like the moon was getting even brighter. It was too bright now. My eyes tried to adjust to the shining across the pond. A wolf appeared, her coat as black as midnight. It was my complete contrast.


Hello my child it's been a while. I padded around the pond coming to stand side by side with her. Her black midnight coat still shining brightly in the moonlight.

Why have you come, Leto? What quabbles do we have that concerns a goddess? She sighed and looked out over the pond.

My child a great darkness has seeped into this world. You will have to fight, and many will perish in the final battle. You must not lose.

You know of this darkness? How can we defeat it? What is it? The questions were pouring out of my mind at this point.

It was once a wolf. A wolf lead down a dark path. He has power, but the opposite of the power you have. It is dark magic.

He was a wolf? How can you stop being a wolf?

You should know better than any that even the best and purest souls can be tainted.

So he's a wolf.

Was. He was a wolf.  She corrected.

What is he now then?

Darkness. My body shivered though there was no wind tonight. The thought ath something could become so twisted didn't sit well with me.

You must use the powers I gave you all those centuries ago. And you must use this new one I now bestow on you. You have the ability to give wolves powers now, but be cautious my child even the most loyal cannot be trusted. We'll see each other again soon, my estar. I dipped my head in acknowledgement. She padded into the woods and disappeared. I had to change this somehow. Apparently the fate of the world depended on me and my pack defeating this darkness.

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