Chapter 14

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My eyes opened slowly, memories of the night before came back causing me to groan. After the other pack had come back, we helped them set up outside. John had been doing better even able to walk the last half mile. The other pack had stayed to themselves distancing, and making sure we weren't too close. Many still stayed in their wolf form preferring the protection it offered.

"Carson, what are they thinking?" Quincy asked his eyes shifting over the group. Carson's eyes told us everything we needed to know. 

 "They're scared. Something has terrified them. They aren't even talking among their own pack. It's like the life has been driven out completely." The Alpha walked toward the house. I knew he came to talk to me so I met him halfway. His hand went out to shake in a greeting and I grasped it firmly.

"Thank you Great One. As I said before we are forever in your debt. My name is Chance, and I'm the Alpha of the Forest Pack - my family has run through our woods for centuries." His eyes gazed off looking into something long ago. I put my hand on his shoulder. 

 "Sleep now. Your pack is safe, we will talk more in the morning." He had nodded gratefully and returned to his pack. I gave a weary sigh. Danyon and Rochella you're on watch tonight I want you to rotate out with Evelyn and Apollo every few hours, but make sure you're all well rested.

Sounds good to me, g'night boss. Thought Apollo back to me. I walked into the house and was enveloped by Lauren who had been sitting on the couch. She buried her face in my neck. 

 "Thank god I was so worried." I embraced her keeping her in a tight hug. "I'm not going anywhere Princess I promise. Common up to bed." I led her up to our room hand in hand and slowly closed the door behind us.

"I am fucking ready for bed." Her eyes glinted "Oh? Fucking huh?" I threw a pillow at her. "Shut up." She laughed and climbed into bed. I changed out of the clothes that now smelled of the forest and into a new tee shirt and shorts. Climbing into bed next to Lauren I layed out like a starfish. 

 "Move you big Oaf!" She yelled bouncing on top of me, but I was ready and began to tickle her sides causing her to lose balance and fall next to my side. Taking my opportunity I pinned her arms next to her side, "Give up yet?" She rolled her eyes. "Fine." I kissed her on the head and rolled off letting her crawl up next to me. She snuggled up on my side. I looked over at the clock and saw it was almost 4. 

Lauren's rhythmic breathing told me she was already fast asleep. Check in? All clear here boss. Said Apollo before turning his mine elsewhere. Same here it'll be a quiet morning. Replied Evelyn. Sighing I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. 


The smell of bacon cooking woke me and I saw Lauren was still nestled in my arm. Slowly I moved out from under her and moved a pillow to support her instead. Arielle was in the kitchen over the stove by turned to greet me. 

 "Morning Phoenix. The new pack settled in last night. I had a talk with the youngesters about not inviting them in even though they're living outside. Also I need to make a store run soon. Having another pack to feed is going to be a problem if we stay at our current food supply." Laughing I pulled out our credit card. 

 "Take Quinilan with you please." She nodded and keep cooking. Blake walked in and began to pile on food on a small plate. "Easy tiger, where are you going with all that food?" Arielle laughed "Hang on it's not for me I swear, I'm taking it outside." A loud smack resounded in the house as Arielle hit the top of his head with a spoon.

"You better give all that to the other pack, don't even think of taking a bite." "Ow, okay okay I promise." He said rubbing his head but as he walked out I watched him slip a small piece of bacon into his mouth. Smiling, I followed him out knowing I needed to talk to Chance about what had happened. Coming out of the house I realized just how many wolves were in his Pack. I smelled at least 13 new wolves. Chance looked up from a conversation of a few in their human form. 

 "Great one, we thank you again for your hospitality." Nodding I waited for one of his wolves to walk by before I spoke. "Let us walk and speak of what brought you here and why. Leave your Beat here Quincy will take care of you." He motioned for a red wolf to come forward. 

 "This is Thalia, she's my Beta." She dipped her head in acknowledgement before padding back to the group she had been laying with under the shade of a tree. "Come." I began to walk from the house and heard Chance following. Waiting till we were a good distance away from the other wolves I motioned for him to sit next to me on a log. 

 "Tell me your story and leave nothing out." Taking a deep breath Chance began. "It began a few moons ago. A shadow visited our territory and told us to join it or die. It said there was a war coming and we were on the losing side if we don't follow him. It gave us 2 moons to decide. But he came back a moon later and said we were out of time. John tried to attack him but as soon as the shadows touched him he howled in the worst tone I have ever heard. The shadows evaporated and John was left curled in a ball eyes wild with fear. We tried for a while to heal him, but our land began to produce less game until only squirrels and rabbits were left. We had to leave and you're the only one I know that has the power to heal those who are about to die."

"This shadow, did he say anymore about this 'war' he was speaking of?" She shook his head. Sighing I took what he told me in. "Okay. For now I want you to stay with us. Until we figure out what this Shadow is." "I appreciate this, but we cannot sleep outside forever." I shook my head. 

"You won't have to. I'm going to get my wolves to build a pack house for you. As you know we have special gifts...talents if you want to call them that. We'll have your house built by tonight. Also, I have a few young unmated wolves just so you know. I'm not sure your status on your younger wolves, but remind them to behave themselves even if they find their mate." Chance nodded.

"I have a few young in my Pack as well, I will warn them. My wolves can help build as well. We have one talented who has telekinesis." 

 "We have one in our pack as well if she ever needs or wants training with her abilities." Quincy take Artemis, Evelyn, Apollo, and Danyon you're going to build this pack a house. Take any wolves from Chance's pack with you.

"Head back and take care of them. I have some business I need to attend to. At around 1:00 p.m. We're having a small pack meeting which I want you to come to." He nodded and walked back the way we had come.

Phoenix? I heard in my mind, and I smiled.

I'm here love, just outside. Also, I need you to call your mother and tell her you're going to be coming home soon.

Noooo, I don't want to go. She whined into the link,

You have to, you've been here too long and you're still a minor. 

So are you. 

Nope, I'm over 3 centuries old. I felt her roll her eyes

Fuck you 

Love you too Princess. 

I had made it back to the house and pulled Blaze aside "I'm thinking we start training this pack for a fight both in wolf and human form. I want you to be on top of that. Assess their skills and weaknesses and help them learn. And tell Blake to go to all the known locations of the other packs. I'm worried if this thing goes unchecked some of these packs wont survive. It's time to bring every pack to our home."

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