Chapter Three: "Found You..."

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Chapter Three

"Found You..."

Selena's Point Of View

"I'm Vanessa."

I watched as Justin shook hands with Vanessa as he introduced himself to her.

"Are you a new student here?" Vanessa asked as we all walked to the lunch line.

"Yes," Justin replies while nodding his head.

Vanessa's eyes kept scanning Justin up and down; head to toe. Her eyes occasionally landed on all his tattoos-which I knew she didn't approve of because she hates tattoos.

Vanessa walks in front of Justin and I to grab herself a lunch tray as Justin leans down to my ear. "I have a bad feeling that she doesn't like me."

I laugh. "Don't be silly," I say, grabbing myself a lunch tray. "What makes you think she doesn't like you?"

"My tattoos." he replies, also grabbing himself a lunch tray. "I always make bad first impressions because of my tattoos."

I could understand why he would make bad first impressions. His right arm was completely filled with tattoos. Not a single patch of his skin showed; it was all covered over with ink. His other arm was only filled to his elbow, though. So it wasn't as bad.

"If it helps, your first impression with me wasn't bad." I say.

A smile grows on his face and his eyes sparkle a little.

We go through the lunch line and grab our food before we go over and sit down at the table that Vanessa had saved for all of us. I sat down across from Vanessa with Justin sitting down next to me.

I pull out my phone and go to my messages between Vanessa and me.

"Justin thinks you don't like him because of his tattoos..." I text her.

I look at her as she reaches into her book bag for her cell phone. She looks up at me after she's read my text.

"I don't like his tattoos. I like him though. There's a difference." she texts me back.

"You're telling the wrong person that." I quickly text her back.

She looks at me again. I point eyes over at Justin giving her the gesture to say it to him. She just looks at him.

"So Justin," she starts. "How do you like it here so far?"

Of course; she avoids doing it.

"It's alright here. Better then my old school though, that's for sure." Justin replies before he takes a bite of his sandwich that he had bought.

Vanessa continues to ask Justin different questions as I look down at my lunch tray. I had only bought a water and a sandwich; I wasn't hungry at all. I haven't been hungry since what happened a few nights ago. I've just felt like complete shit and useless; like all the other times this has happened.

I was brought out of my train of thoughts when my phone suddenly vibrated in my hand. I looked down at my screen to see a text message from an unknown number.

"Look up." the text read.

I looked up but I didn't see anyone. I scanned the cafeteria; no one. I looked over Vanessa's shoulder and then I saw him.

My heart rate quickened as my hands suddenly became sweaty. My thoughts traveled back to that night, thinking of all the things he did to me, the pain I was in; feeling worthless as I let him do what he wanted to me without even trying to fight back. I knew I couldn't fight him off, so why try? My body started shaking as I felt as if I could actually feel his touch on me.

I stared at him as he was standing across the cafeteria from me. He had a smile on his face as he looked at me; a devil smile.

"Selena?" I feel a hand touch my shoulder making me jump and snap my head around to see who it was.

"Woah, calm down," Justin says at my sudden jumpy-ness. "What's wrong?"

I look back to where he was standing but he was gone.

Vanessa looks behind her to try and see what I was staring at but turns back around and looks at me. "What are you staring-"

"He was standing right there." I cut her off.

I could feel Justin's eyes looking back and forth between Vanessa and I. He was obviously confused on what was going on.

"Who?" Justin asks.

"Stay out of this," Vanessa suddenly snaps at Justin.

"Vanessa," I say.

"He doesn't need in this, Selena." she says.

I look at Justin as he looks at me.

"Nice friend you got there." Justin says before he grabs his lunch tray and gets up from the table.

"Justin," I say but he's quick to cut me off. "I'll see you around Selena."

I look at Vanessa and she didn't have any trace of feeling sorry about what just happened. "You could have been a little nicer you know." I say.

"Whatever." Vanessa says. "Now where did-"

I cut her off. "I don't know and I don't care." I say, standing up from the table. "I'm going to go talk to Justin."

Before Vanessa could say anything more I was already walking away.

I threw my lunch tray away then looked down the hallway that Justin turned down. I didn't see him. I decided to go down there anyways; maybe his locker was down here or his next class. I would text him to see where he was but we never exchanged numbers.

I walk to the end of the hallway and check the locker bay; no Justin. I turn around to go to the other side of the hallway when I felt someone's hands grab onto my wrists and push me up against the locker bay.

I look up into the eyes of who the person was and my body went limp.

"Found you." Tristan says, the devil smile spread back across his face.


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Next chapter will be updated soon

Love you guys xoxo

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