Chapter Nine: "Officially Together..."

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Chapter Nine

"Officially Together..."

Selena's Point Of View

"He did what?"

"He acted like nothing even happened between us last night."

Vanessa shakes her head in disbelief. "What a asshole."

I don't say anything and just nod my head in agreement.

Why was he acting like that for? He didn't even seem happy to see me. I know he was tired, but shit Justin. A little emotion would have been nice.

After I had stormed out of Spanish class there was only about fifteen minutes left of class before the bell rang. Vanessa had noticed me already waiting for her in the cafeteria. She knew right away that something was wrong because she always has to wait a few minutes on me before I reach the cafeteria.

"I'm going to go up and get something else to eat." Vanessa says as she stands up from her seat. "You want anything?"

"No." I reply.

I take a bite of my food as Vanessa goes up to the lunch line.

I decide to check my phone. When I pull it out of my book bag I have three text messages from Justin.

"What the hell Selena?"

"We need to talk."

"Please answer your phone."

I roll my eyes and drop my phone back into my book bag. I am not in the mood to deal with his shit right now.

I go to take another bite of my food when the seat next to me is pulled out from the table. I flinch thinking it is Tristan. Relief washes over me as I look over and see Justin sitting down next to me.

"What the hell Selena!" Justin shouts at me.

"What?" I say playing dumb.

"Why are you so pissed at me for?"

"Jeez, I don't know Justin. Maybe it's because you're acting like nothing happened between us last night!"

"Well if you have gave me a few more minutes to wake myself up you wouldn't have been thinking that." he snaps.

I open my mouth to say something but side against it and close my mouth. I look away from him and down at my plate. I suddenly don't feel the urge to eat now.

Justin's places his hand on my thigh making my skin set on fire. His free hand pull my chin toward him to make me look at him. Before I could react he leans over and presses his lips against mine making my stomach feel with butterflies.

"I'm sorry." he whispers against my lips.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm sorry." I say feeling guiltly.

Justin presses his lips against mine once more before he finally pulls away. He moves his chair closer to me and wraps his arm around me. I can't help the smile that forms on my face.

"So..." Vanessa says sitting down across the table from Justin and I. "You guys made up, I guess?"

I nod my head. "Yeah.."

"Where were you this morning?" she asks as she takes a bite of the food she bought.

"I overslept." Justin says.

"I wish you would have stayed home because then I wouldn't have to deal with you in History."

"I'm not that annoying!"

"Yeah, you kind of are." I tease.

"Thanks, Selena." He rolls his eyes at me.

I lean my head on his shoulder and put my hand on his thigh.

"Are you guys like together or..." Vanessa trils off.

I hadn't actually thought much about it. Are we? I mean we kissed, but Justin never really said if we were officially together now or not.

"Um..." I fumble with my words.

"Yeah, we are." Justin says.

I look up at him but he keeps his attention on Vanessa.

"Okay. But if you hurt my best friend Justin, you'll regret it." she says.

"I won't." he says as his hand rubs up and down my arm.

"I would love to hang and chat, but I have to go finish a test before the period starts." Vanessa says as she gets up from her seat. "Do you want to hang out after school?"


"We already made plans." Justin speaks before I could answer.

"Oh, okay. Well I'll text you later then." she says before she walks away.

"Justin!" I say and elbow him in his side.

"What?" he asks playing innocent.

"We didn't make any plans to hangout after school."

"Now we did."


"Besides, I wanted to hangout with you today." he says and kisses my cheek.

I'm not used to this public afftection thing because Tristan hated showing afftection towards me in public. I didn't mind though because I honestly don't care for it either.

"You're cute when you blush." he says with a smile.

I bring my hand up to my cheek and feel it on fire. I hadn't even realized I was blushing.

"Shut up." I joke.

"I'm just telling the truth." he says.

"We should start heading to class." I say changing the subject.

Justin nods his head and we get up from our seats.

"Did you even eat anything?" I ask him as I throw away my trash.

"No. I'm not hungry."

"We can go through the line real quick if you want something."

"No, I'm good." he says.

He takes my hand in his before we walk out of the cafeteria. We walk around the corner and I pull back his arm making him stop and look at me.

"What?" Justin asks raising an eyebrow.

"I still feel bad about snapping at you." I say.

"Don't be." he says as he puts both his hands on each side of my waist. "I would have reacted the same way if I was you."

"You're bad at lying." I smile.

"I would have!" he protests.


"I've came to realize that you're a stubborn girl."

I chuckle at his comment as I lean in and peck his lips.

"So we're officially together?" I ask as my arms wrap around his neck.

"It seems like it." Justin says with a smile on his face.

Our mouths meet again as Justin takes one of his hand off the side of my waist and places it on my cheek, his thumb brushing back and forth against my skin. I smile into the kiss.

"I have a feeling a lot of people are going to get tired of seeing us making out in the middle of the hallways." Justin jokes.

"I guess they'll have to get used to it then." I reply with a smirk.

As we kiss again I can't help think about how different my life is going to be with Justin in it now; it's already changed dramtically, but I have a feeling it's going to get even better.


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Next chapter will be updated soon

Love you guys xoxo

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