Chapter Eleven: "You're Not Going..."

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Chapter Eleven

"You're Not Going..."

Selena's Point Of View

 "Are we really going to go to that party?" Vanessa asks me as I walk with her to her locker.

I shrug my shoulders. "Are you wanting to go?" I ask as she opens her locker.

"Kind of since we've never gone to one before. You know?" she replies as she puts her books away and grabs the books that she needs for next period which is History.

"I kind of want to go to. But I don't know if my mom would let me go anyways." I say honestly. There's a 99% chance of her saying no to going to the party and the other 1% is her saying yes.

Vanessa shrugs her shoulders. "I think maybe we should go." she states just before the bell rings to get to class.

"Let's talk about this after school, okay?" I say ending the subject as we walk down to our History room. We're usually one of the last two to arrive in the classroom just before the bell rings.

Right as Vanessa and I walk into History my eyes dart to where Justin sits which is the seat right next to me. A smile forms immediately across my face when I see Justin sitting there, his eyes already on me.

"Hey baby," Justin says as I sit down next to him.

"Hey." I reply.

Justin snakes his arm around me and pulls me in to his chest, his lips pressing against mine. My smile only grows just as the butterflies in my stomach grow as well. Justin pulls away just as the bell rings, but he keeps his arm wrapped around my waist.

"You guys disgust me." Vanessa whispers behind us and I already know she has a disgusted look on her face without having to turn around and look at her.

"Good afternoon class." Mr. Baker, our History teacher, says to the class as he walks in.

The class weakly replies back with a 'Good Afternoon Mr. Baker', earning a glare from him.

"Today, you guys will be taking notes for chapter fourteen; page 497 in your books." Mr. Baker explains. The whole class groans, including Justin and I.

Not notes again.

"You can either work on notes for the whole period or I'll assign this as homework. You guys choose." Mr. Baker informs us. "You guys can talk as you work, but you better be working."

I pull out my heavy History book as Justin does the same.

"Is he serious? We've done notes this whole week." Vanessa complains.

"Does he not think that we don't have enough notes?" Justin says as he takes out a piece of paper.

"You would think he would give us a free period since it's Friday." I say.

"This is stupid." Vanessa says as she starts working on the notes. "I'm just glad he didn't give us a worksheet to do."

I nod my head and sigh. I grab a pencil from my book bag, having my back facing Justin. As I sit up I feel Justin wrap his arms around my waist, making me jump.

"Justin..." I didn't need Justin and I getting in trouble if Mr. Baker saw us.

"Calm down, he walked out of the room." Justin says into my ear before I feel him leave a kiss on my cheek. Just for precaution, I check Mr. Baker's desk to find it empty. "I missed you."

"We just saw each other in Spanish and at lunch just three periods ago." I say with a smile.

"Yeah, and that's been more than two hours." he says as another kiss is left this time on my neck.

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