Part 5

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Nandini spent a restless night thinking of how to resolve her issue. On the other hand, though Manik wanted to think of a valid reason, he didn't get a chance to do so. He was already upset with the village environment. On top of that, he couldn't get a minute of solitude since the pre-wedding functions were going on and there were people everywhere in the house.

        At night, when there was silence all around, he was too exhausted to think. He fell fast asleep. Unlike Nandini, Manik had an upper hand. He already had the privilege of deciding the outcome of the meeting. All he had to do was give his mom a convincing reason.


Next day, Nyonika's family visited Nandini's family. After a little talk among the elders, Nandini was called to meet them. Nandini was surprised to know that the alliance was from Nyonika's family. She bowed down and took blessings from Manik's parents.

        Nyonika : "I have met Nandini before and I like her, but they are the ones who have to lead their life together. It would be good if Manik and Nandini can speak in private and get to know each other, before coming to a decision."

        Nandini's uncle : "Sure, as you say."

        Nandini's aunt : "Nandini, take him with you to the room. I will send the snacks and tea there."

        Nandini's aunt (whispering) : "Leave the door open and remember what I have told you. Speak only when asked to. Be nice and don't talk about your craziness for studying."

        Nandini nodded her head and lead the way for Manik in a hurry. She waited for Manik to enter the room and then pushed the door, leaving it slightly ajar.

        Nandini : "Please come to the other side of the room quickly."

        Manik's thoughts : "I couldn't think of a valid reason to give, to reject the alliance. On top of that, this girl seems to be in a hurry since we met. Looks like she is excited for the alliance, that's why she has been smiling since then. Why wouldn't she be? Getting such a high profile alliance would be quite unlikely for a village girl. Shall I tell her directly that I am not interested in this alliance and break her bubble now itself or should I wait and tell mom later?"

        Manik was still thinking as to how to start and get over with the matter at hand quickly. The humid weather also added to his annoyance.

        Nandini : "Please take a seat."

        Manik sat down, but still didn't utter a word.

        Nandini : "Is it your first time? You are looking nervous. It is my first time too, so..."

        Manik : "It is my first time, but I am not nervous."

        Nandini : "You seem to be sweating a lot, so I thought you were... "

        Manik : "It is because of the humid weather."

        Nandini : "Oh! Just a minute."

        Nandini opened the window and switched on the fan for him.

        Nandini : "Hope you are feeling better now!"

        Nandini : "I was advised to speak only when asked to, but since you aren't initiating the talk, I will. I can't wait any longer."

        Manik's thoughts : "I never knew village girls would be so fast in such matters. All her actions so far confirms what I thought. Could it be possible that she trapped mom with her innocent looking face and honey dripping voice? Why else would mom suddenly come up with the idea of looking for a bride otherwise?"

        Nandini looked towards God's photo.

        Nandini (murmuring) : "God, please help me!"

        Nandini : "I have a request to make. Can you please reject this alliance?"

        Manik was surprised at her words. The reality turned out to be completely opposite of what he had been thinking. He wasn't sure if he heard her right.

        Manik : "What did you say?!"

        Nandini : "Please don't raise your voice. I am really very very sorry that you had to come all the way here. My family has been telling me that I should be lucky to even receive such an alliance and has been advising me that I shouldn't do anything absurd to mess it up, but I am not ready to get married. I tried telling my family too, but they aren't ready  to listen to me. So  if you reject, it will be of great help. Please, only you can help me with this! If you do, I will always be grateful to you. Please!"

        Manik relaxed after hearing her.

        Manik : "You don't have to request. I will reject the alliance."

        Nandini felt relieved.

        Nandini (murmuring) : "Thank you God!"

        Nandini : "Thank you so much! You don't know how big a burden you have lifted off my shoulders. I have been so worried since yesterday thinking of how to approach you and your family, and convince you to reject the alliance."

        Manik : "Is this the reason that you were in such a hurry all this time?"

        Nandini : "Yes, I had to talk to you before someone else walks into this room and I didn't know how you would react. It won't be long before my cousins walk into the adjacent rooms. Then their ears will be glued to the wall, they are kind of curious. If anyone comes to know about what I spoke to you, irrespective of your response, I will be in big trouble. (Meri to band baj jaayegi!)"

        Nandini : "Also yesterday, I had this nightmare, where I visualized myself in place of a scapegoat (bali ka bakra). Since then I have been very very tensed. My pace quickens automatically when I am tensed. I didn't realize I was rushing you up too. I am sorry about it. I hope you understand my situation."

        Manik : "That's alright, I understand."

        Nandini's cousins brought and gave them tea and snacks, and they left.

        Manik wasn't interested in the alliance anyways, but he was curious to know why she wasn't interested either. He felt that if it was any other girl in her place, they wouldn't have let such an alliance go out of their hands.

        Manik : "May I know what is your reason for not wanting to get married?"

        Nandini : "I want to pursue my studies. I won't be able to do so if I get married."

        Manik : "How are you going to pursue your studies if your family doesn't support you and plans to marry you off?"

        Nandini : "I have applied for scholarship with my teacher's help. According to my teacher, I should be able to get one in some college or the other. Then I can convince my grandmother with the help of my teacher. If she gets convinced, then rest of the family will also be forced to agree."

        Manik didn't have anything else to speak after that.

        Nandini : "We have been talking about me all this time. Tell me about yourself. Your mom told me that you are here to attend a family wedding. Did you like our village so much, that you decided to get a bride from our village, instead of looking for one in Mumbai?"

        Manik : "Actually, I don't like this village, I didn't want to come here in the first place. About looking for a bride, I already have a girlfriend. I haven't told my mom about her yet because she doesn't like her much, so mom persuaded me to come here."

        Nandini : "May I know what you didn't like about our village?"

        Manik : "It is so humid here, but there is no A.C. There is power cut so often, so the fan is also of not much use. There is no internet and the phone signals are also weak. I haven't been able to talk to my friends since I have been here. There is nothing to like about this place. Probably, the days I have spent here are the worst days of my life."

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