1| Broken.

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" A broken wrist ?!! "

Shouted Sugawara, looking at you without even blinking, his eyes showing so much confusion and concern.

" H- how ?! You fell head-first, I don't understand how you could have broken your wrist like this. "

You looked at him, staring straight in his deep brown eyes. The silver-haired boy seemed really worried and confused, and this expression made you blush once again.

I am a freaking blushing-machine, holy crap. You thought, sighing, desperate of your own behaviour.

" I don't know, it just happened. You know how clumsy I am right ? Everything happens to me without I noticing it. It's something pretty normal for me so don't worry for so little !! "

You smiled at him while the nurse handed you a pain killer and a cup of water that you took right away to erase the pain in your wrist.

" [Y.N], it's not just a little wound, it's a broken wrist ! You're saying this as if you broke every bones of your body everyday, everytime, everywhere, and it was nothing else than a little wound for you. "

" Because it is !! Don't worry about it, really. The ambulance's on their way right now and everything's gonna be alright. I'll come back to school tomorrow as if nothing happened and almost completely healed ! I'm a super hero, suga-senpai~ "

Suddenly, his cheeks turned a bright pink, his eyes stuck on you.

" What ? " You said, raising an eyebrow. Suddenly, your sentence came back in your head, and your face became even redder than a tomato. " NO !!! I- I MEANT SENSEI !!! NOT SENPAI !!!! OH MY GOD I SAID SENPAI INSTEAD OF SENSEI I'M SUCH A DORK OH MY GOD OH MY GOD !!! "

You screamed, hiding your face in your hands before letting out a scream of pain. I'm so stupid, just kill me right now...

" [Y.N], Don't worry for this, it happens to... say senpai instead of sensei... But anyway, your wrist's more important so don't move it too much alright ? "

You slowly shook your head to say yes, your cheeks and his still wearing a little bit of pink. He checked his phone, sighing.

" I have to go... Just, tell me when you're back from the hospital okay ? "

" Okay !" 

You said, smiling, while he ended you his phone.

" Here, give me your number, I'll text you back so you have my number too. Don't forget to tell me how you're doing when you're back home. "

He smiled at you as you took the phone, looking straight into his eyes. He's so protective, my heart is gonna melt and the doctors will also have a heart to heal awwwww....

You wrote your number and your name before saving the new contact, handing him the phone. Smiling, he thanked you and exited the room, leaving you with the nurse.

From: Unknown

To: [Y.N]

4:15 PM

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