5| Your lover and worst ennemy.

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What do you think about 'perfection' ?

Personally, I think... no.
I know.
I know that everybody isn't perfect,
Yet everybody is perfect.
Because, what is perfection ?
An ideal ?
But, isn't an ideal totally different,
Depending on everyone ?
While someone loves chocolate,
Another one loves pistachios.
You may not be good for someone,
Maybe you're even far from good for them,
But, in the eyes of someone else,
With completely different ideals,
You're perfect.
More then perfect.

2nd P.O.V

" So, let me go home. And then, I'll consider becoming your wife."

You said quietly, looking at the ginger-haired boy who was standing in front of you, his amber eyes locked on your half-closed ones.
And that's when he did that thing again. He laughed. The same one than earlier, the one that sent shivers down your spine.

" Are you being serious right now ? "

Screamed Hinata, his pupils completely contracted, giving him that psychopath's look.

" How DUMB do you think I am, [Y.N] ? Just, how DUMB ?! "

He slowly approached you, resting his hands on both sides of you, not breaking eye contact.

" ... That's no- "

" Is your dirty mouth's going to spill bullshit any longer, or are you done ?"

Your whole body flinched at his words as you bite your shaking, bluish lips.

"I'm getting TIRED of you thinking I'm a BABY, so shut the fuck up or I'll have to shut your fucking mouth myself. And I don't really think you will appreciate that punishment. "

As he was speaking, Hinata pulled out a black tape from his pocket, raising his arm so you could understand exactly what he was talking about.

" I do love you, but sometimes you manage to piss me off, sweetheart. It would be kinda sad to scotch your lips together for me too, you know~ "

Slowly, his face started to get closer to yours, his hand letting go of the tape to find it's way behind your head to prevent you from backing away. You tried nevertheless, tears slowly falling from your pure, closed [E.C] eyes, in vain. Despite his petite figure, he had some strength.

" Please, Hinata... "

You quietly whispered, still biting your bottom lip.

" You could beg that I wouldn't let you go. Now, now... Let us both enjoy this love session..."

Hinata said softly, his lips meeting yours quickly after his sentence. Tears were streaming down your cheeks as you felt yourself being pulled against the mattress. As he was kissing you thoroughly, one of his hands made it's way to your [H.L] [H.C] hair, messing them up, while the other found it's way to your breast. You stopped breathing, your whole body stiffened by the anxiety and fearness.

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