6| Are... you being serious ?

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Darkness was enveloping you, as the night finally fell after a long, long day. You couldn't sleep. All you could feel was pain, emptiness, regret. It's only been a day, but it felt like an eternity. It's only been a day, and you already lived the worst nightmare of your life. Tears were streaming down your cheeks, your eyes wide opened as you couldn't close them, afraid of seeing those images again. Your hands were tied together behind your back, a thin cover slightly covering your now half-naked body. You were cold and shivering, your lips taking a blueish color.

" Mom... Dad... "

Were the words you pronounced between two sobs. You missed your parents, you missed your friends, you missed school. And it only been one day.

What if nobody ever find me ?
What if I don't manage to escape ?
What if... What if...

" Somebody please help me... Help me... "

You said quietly, your voice quickly shutting down in the big, abandoned room. Images of your relatives slowly began to flood your mind, soon followed by your friends. The tall black-headed Kageyama, probably dead worried of his two best friend's disappearance. Lil Nishinoya, Sugawara-senpai.. stupid big baby Tanaka, everyone. I mean, people say we can only count real friends on our fingers, but all these guys are so amazing and adorable in their own way. Even Tsukishima, who just doesn't know how to express his feelings...

Sniffling, you turned on your back, now laying on your tied, sore hands.

" I need to get out of here... "

Your entire body shaking, you tried to untie your hands, rubbing the rope against the mattress in hope this would either free your hands by slipping off them, or burn the chord. You weren't positive at all about this technique, these kind of things only worked in movies and books. Oh, how you wished you were in a book, fictional world right now, to get the help of the author. But the pain and emotions felt too real to be false. The burned sensation on your wrist and ankles, caused by the well-attached rope, the hands of the ginger-hand boy touching your stiffened body, the broken feeling in your chest and the cold tears falling out of your eyes. All of this was real. Maybe this world is also written by someone, God may be the author of this world... but, why would he be so cruel ? Why would he make a world where our little cinammon-roll was THAT broken ? Why was I the one living this...?

" Waw... "

You whispered, a nervous, shaky smile taking place on your pale face.

"... am I already losing my mind ? What's gotten into you [Y.N], wishing someone else to take your place right now... Egoist bitch... "

You started laughing quietly, as if you've gone crazy. You had stopped your attempt to break the rope, your eyes fixating the old, dirty ceiling.

External POV

" D'you have any idea where they could have probably been ? "

Asked a police officer, his hands in his pockets, arboring his dark blue uniform.

" No, I don't ... [Y.N] never goes out, except for school and whatever touches vollyeball. She was going back home yesterday, that's the last time we heard of he- "

| Fly With Me | { Yandere Hinata x Reader x Sugawara }Where stories live. Discover now