10| Sunset

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" Come on, we're going back home "

Those were the words Sugawara said, his silver hair shining under the sunset, turning them into a pretty, but scary, orange colour. Two days ago, Hinata's case has been solved in front of the tribunal, creating a huge, long and exhausting fight between the two parts, the judges and the advocates. But at the end of the day, we all finally knew what was going to happen to the little tangerine. Therapists and mental doctor gave their word. The little boy was sick. Mentally ill. And, as they said, it explained and excused everything. Yes. It excused everything he's done to you. From their point of view, at least. And nothing could change that. 

As of today, Hinata was living in a Psychiatric Hospital. It was said that there was a chance for him to be healed, and everyone tried their best to believe it.

" ... " 

You didn't say a word, your fingers fidgeting as you stood still in front of a big, black and orange sport bag. Why does everything had to remind you of him ? 

" [Y.N], you okay...? "

The tall male's soft voice echoed in the white room, as he reached your non-injured hand with his to comfort you. You stared into his eyes for a bit, a strand of your hair silently laying on your face, tickling your sensitive skin.

" ... Yeah... I'm okay. " 

You forced yourself to smile, trying to chase the uncomfortable feeling you had. Sugawara let go of your hand and took your bag, despite you telling him you could hold it. He would just shake his head negatively, giving you his best, prettiest smile before walking away. Unwillingly, you soon found yourself holding the player's coat with your whole hands, like a child holding their mom's clothes to not lose themselves, or because they were too shy or afraid to talk or see the world. You were both. Afraid to get lost if you'd go too far from his comforting male figure, and now afraid of what was around you. Any noise would make you jump, turn your head in every direction to be sure no one was following you. Slowly, but surely, paranoia took over your mind and your body. Stopping in your track, you stared at Sugawara, tears at the corner of your eyes, completely paralysed. After some steps, the young male noticed you weren't at his side any more and, in a rapid, scared move, he turned around. And despite seeing you there, so pale, so scared, your face all wet from the tears and your shaking body, he let out a sigh of relief. You were still there.

"Suga I... I'm so scared... " 

You managed to whisper through your half closed lips, your hot breath warming your cold skin, sending some shivers down your spine.

" I can't move... " 

Laying the bags on the ground, ignoring the looks of curious people in the big hospital waiting room, Sugawara walked toward you, frail silhouette shining under the light pink and orange coloured sunset. It felt as if you were a cat, ready to run away if the big human in front of you dared making a move a little too sudden. He was slowly walking in your direction, carefully opening his arms, before his body met yours. Sugawara's arms delicately closed themselves around your body, one of his hands coming to lay on your head, losing itself in your [H.L], [H.C] hair. 

His chin was resting a bit on the top of your head while his second hand caressed your back, his warm fingers running on your body making you feel at ease, forgetting everything for a second, just enjoying this calm, quiet moment. 

Tears had stopped falling from your eyes, and you could feel your muscles becoming less and less tense, allowing your shoulders to fall a bit, your movements no longer stopped by the hardness of your body. 

Sugawara could feel it and, after hearing a sigh of relief, he slowly backed away, now only holding you by the shoulders, looking at you in the eyes.

" It's going to be okay. Hinata won't be able to go near you anymore, and I'll be there to protect you. " 

The silver haired boy paused for a moment, staring at your [E.C] orbs, before putting on his delicate, protective, honest smile.

" That is... Only if you allow me to stay with you. I totally understand if you have a hard time trusting me, and in this case I, in no way, want to make you feel scared or uncomfortable. "

You couldn't help but look at him, holding his soft hands who, during the conversation, had found their way to yours. A man in the distance screamed something, while a woman in a white uniform came the other way to meet a young girl in the waiting room. Someone entered from the big glass door, the cold air of the outside entering for a short moment the big room before turning warm. The sun was disappearing behind the buildings, the orange colour of the sky turning a deep blue, the lights outside and inside turning on to enlighten the darkness of the night. But you didn't see any of that, nor did you care.

You tried doing this famous smile, to show Sugawara that, yes, it was going to be okay. But, can someone wear such a smile so easily after all of this ? 

It wasn't perfect, it still seemed fake, sad, scared, but not at the same time. And Sugawara didn't mind at all. You were trying, you were fighting, and he was proud. Oh, so proud.

A single tear left your eye, shining under the artificial lights of the hospital. Curious, bored people were looking at you two, some of them watching the scene in front of them since the beginning. 

And suddenly, your smile became wider, your eyes closing in the process.

" Please, protect me, Sugawara. "


I want Sugawara to come and hug me and tell me everything's okay y'all, I love him so much ahhhhhhh

Anyway, I'm happy because I finally received new lenses for Kenma and I should try cosplaying him again next week ! 

Oof, I'm off topic haha !! 

Anyway, I had a hard time writing this chapter, imagination left me lol 

I hope y'all like it !!!

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