7| Sacrifices.

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" How good does it feel to wake up near you, [Y.N]~ My prayers have been heard ! Thank you, God. Whichever you are ! "

The ginger-haired boy exclaimed, arms wide opened in the air, smiling. His hair shined under the sun rays passing through the holes of the abandoned building.  Earlier in the morning, soon after the sun made it's appearance, the little boy had joined you in your 'room, whispering in your ear. 

" I know you're not sleeping darling, so what if you just, I don't know, turned around and greeted me like any girlfriends would do ? I need my morning kisseeeees !! Pleaaaaase !! "

He kindly said, pouting, his arms enveloping your body. You didn't move, keeping your eyes closed, hiding your face behind your arms. You could heard him sigh.

" Are you going to ignore me after what we did last night ? Come on, I know you enjoyed it, if not more than I did~"

You were totally silent, restraining yourself to spat at his face. You could feel his hands caressing your hips under the cover, suddenly gripping your thighs, making you jump.

" Maybe you're already waiting our child~ "

As he said that, one of his hands went to your stomach, slowly petting it. It sent shivers down your spine, cold sweat forming on your skin.

"I hope not though. We're still young and still have time before getting children. Not that I don't want any, I just want to spend a lot of time with you before having a family. Oh~ How much I love you [Y.N]~ What about doing it again ?~ "

Your body was tense. You just wanted to scream 'no'. You just wanted to yell at him, tell him that you didn't enjoy it, that it was rape. But you couldn't, you know knew what he was capable of, your wrist still hurting from days ago, the bone surely didn't heal correctly with all of this. As his hands touch your skin, you decided to turn your body to face him, keeping your tears inside. You were afraid, you didn't know if your plan could work: and you didn't wanna do it either.

" ... You're right, I enjoyed it a lot. "

You tried your best to sound convincing, confident. Getting up slowly so you could be sitting on the mattress, you stared into Hinata's eyes.

" Let's do it again ... Hinata-senpai~"

Oh, how it was hard for you to let out these sentences.

" Please Hinata... let's do it again..~"

His eyes widened, his face totally red. He looked at you for a moment, happiness in his eyes. Shaking his head up and down, he jumped at you, taking a long kiss from you.

Not now. Not yet. Endure it [Y.N], endure it till the time comes.

You thought, getting into the kiss. His tongue slowly asked for entrance while his hands gripped your ass. After a moment in this position, Hinata broke the kiss, reaching your neck as his hands changed places as well, not far from your breast. He started sucking and licking your skin, between lots of other hickeys he left the day before. Biting your shaky lips, your eyes closed to not let any tears escape, you waited a little moment, letting out some moans you would have preferred to keep inside, before murmuring:

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