11| So do I.

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One month had passed since the incident. The world seemed to have come back to normal: no newspapers were talking about "The Awful Days of A Teenager, kidnapped by a friend, interview by [Insert any journalist because a lot of them have been asking you questions]." anymore.

During the first week, you kept having those awful nightmares, waking you up from your deep sleep, screaming, sweating, crying. 

The young boy, who offered to stay by your side for as long as you needed, would burst into your room, his fluffy hair a total mess. He would just sit on your bed, taking you in his arms like that time at the hospital, talking to you in a calm, comforting whisper, until you fell asleep. He would stay for so long some nights, that he was still there in the morning, sitting on the ground, his head resting on the mattress.

The second week, Sugawara had to go to school again: parent's obligation. You were happy for him despite the fear of being left alone. He would be able to see someone else than you, able too breath some fresh air, far from the anxiety and stressful flat you two haven't left for a whole week. During his absence, you'd just lay in your bed, crying until you fell asleep: that's how you coped with this fear that lived rent-free in your mind. 

But Sugawara would always come back the exact second the school's bell rang, skipping practice regardless of your many attempts to push him into doing what he loved. And slowly, thanks to the young boy's help, and some therapy sessions, you could feel some changes. Nightmares just came back from time to time, you felt the envy of going outside and sense the air against your skin, the need to live a normal life again.

The third week, after a long day waiting for Sugawara, you decided it was time to step outside. As soon as the door opened, you grasped the brown eyed boy's arm, who let out a scream of surprise, and rushed outside. Not letting the poor boy say a single thing, you ran to the staircase, enjoying the moment of adrenaline before it'd turn into anxiety. And, after almost tripping in the stairs, you finally were outside. The sun blinded you for a moment, and you had to put your hand over your eyes, just the time your vision got used to the lightning.

Everything had felt so new, so... amazing, as if it was your first time being outside, but your little escapade didn't last long: a huge noise snapped you out of your little universe. Suddenly, you could hear any sound, feel the stares of everyone, and the anxiety attack hit you so hard you had fallen to your knees, unable to do anything else than stare to the ground, blocking the noises with your hands over your ears. You had soon found yourself in Sugawara's arms who was holding you, taking you back to the apartment. But you had not given up. And so, day after day, when your friend came back home, he'd take you outside for a short amount of time, helping you not to get overwhelmed by everything that surrounded you.

" Ohhhh crap crap crap crap !!! " 

You yelled, taking out the hot mold from the oven, black smoke flying out of the open door. The fire alarm started ringing in the apartment, making you drop what you had in your hands, the burning cake exploding on the floor. You quickly turned off the heating furniture, tears starting to fall on your cheeks, redenned by the hotness of the room. You sat on the ground, hugging your knees tightly, screaming to the alarm to stop with a broken voice. And, miraculously, it finally stopped. 

" Hey, are you okay ? What happened ??? " 

Immediately recognizing the voice, you stood up. Stepping into the now non-eatable food on the ground, you joined Sugawara, hiding your face in his chest, holding him close to you with your arms, leaving the silver-haired boy confused for a moment.

" I'm so sorry Sugawara... I... I just wanted to surprise you... "

You started, embracing the young male with all your strength that was, honestly, not really enormous at that moment. You inhaled before continuing.

" You've been so kind to me... You've been supporting for so long now, supporting my mental breakdowns, supporting my stressed and anxious self, sacrificing your hobby and your free time for me... I just wanted to give you something in exchange, even though it's not a lot… "

You were crying, wetting the boy's uniform, grasping it with your fingers. 

" I owe you so, so much Suga... I don't even know how I could repay you... I just want to stop being a bother... I want to stop being so afraid, to stop asking for your help ! I want to be a normal person, I want you to have the life of a normal teenager... Right now you should be on the court, playing as if your life depended on it, making girls fall in love with you... I want to see you happy Sugawara... But I'm so selfish!! " 

You screamed, your fingers slowly scratching his skin under the tissue. 

" I don't want you to leave me, I'm so scared ! Scared when you're not here, feeling better everytime you comfort me during my attacks... I- "

All of a sudden, you felt a warm feeling on your lips, hands delicately holding your shoulders. Sugawara's body had left yours, as this one was leaning towards you so his face was in front of yours. It took you some seconds to understand what was happening. Your cheeks heated up, your whole face turning as red as a tomato. You could feel a weird knot in your stomach, your body starting to shake. The hotness of his lips left as soon as he broke the kiss, taking a step behind.

" Oh my god,[Y.N] I'm so sorry ! I don't know what's gotten in my mind... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to - "

" Please Suga... Please, kiss me again.

You stopped him mid-track, gulping. Staring at him, your heart beating so fast, you just stood there, the blood boiling in you had still colouring your face.

" W-What ? You lived something horrible, please do not think you have to kiss me, I won't hurt you if you don't want t-"

" Suga, I love you... Please... Kiss me again. "


Only one chapter left before the end of this story, I'll try uploading it before 2021 y'all !! Ommg ahhhhhh 🥺

I'm so happy I wrote this fanfiction tho, I don't know why but- Yeah I'm happy :0

Btw, if you want Suga's answer to [Y.N]'s last sentence... Just read the title :D

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